Friday, July 08, 2005

Glued to the tube

The other night I was awake at Sherman's and happened to catch all of the latest rendition of Great Expectations starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Ethan Hawke. I'd wanted to see this for a long time--I'd actually made it to the theatre when it first came out, but was stricken with the stomach flu about 20 minutes in--and so I settled in and spent the night being romanced by the timeless story.

Honestly, I loved the movie. AND I loved the book. Neither has much to do with the other, but both stories were/are so enchanting. It's like a real-life fairy tale. I was a little disappointed that some of Dickens's story didn't make it into the movie script, but either way, I thought I was done really well...better than the Romeo & Juliet with DiCaprio and Danes, personally. Anyway, I just needed to rave about it since it was such a good late night movie. It was so good that it made me want to read the actual story again (all 300 pages) to pick out all that differed between the two. I'm such a nerd.

The other thing that I've become hooked on that's not so nerdy, is that T.V. show, Scrubs. My brother randomly came home with the first season on DVD one day, and he stayed up a whole night and much of the day after watching the WHOLE season in a single sitting. He then ranted and raved to me about how great the show was and how awesome the comedy was and told me I HAD to see it myself--the million and one clips he forced me to witness out of context just didn't do the show justice, as hilarious as they were on their own. Well, for a while I forgot about it, and then for a little longer, I just didn't have the time, but last night, I finally decided to take a peek. So, Sherman and I took our take out over to the living room and turned it on.

We (I) watched the whole first DVD (8 episodes) out of a 3 DVD set. So did my brother. He had the unfortunate timing of having been in the room when I started the first episode. Once it started, he just couldn't leave--that's how strong the addiction can hit you. The sun was rising by the time we all trudged our separate ways to bed. I felt sorry for the boys as they both had to be up within the next two hours, heading to work. I, on the other hand, got to sleep my morning away, disabled as I am from working at all.

So, back to the tube for me tonight. I've already snuck a few episodes today before going to practice (I may not be able to work, but I can sure stand on a volleyball court and get some touches in) and I'm going to do as many more as I can tonight. Addictive stuff I tell you.

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