Monday, January 05, 2009

Passed me by

I had to do a double-take and actually visit my own site before I could believe that this was my first post of this year. Though I don't apologize, I do miss it. I was too preoccupied--and not--to write. I seem to have (re)learned what a joy it is to do absolutely nothing. However, doing nothing for too long gets me antsy to the point I panic and become quickly irritable until I do something.

Video games don't count.

If they counted, then I could consider myself as having been well-accomplished over the past few weeks. But no; like watching TV for a marathon stretch of time, video games are the worst. If I sit there long enough, I get cold sweats and lose circulation to my extremities. I shit you not. TV only kind of counts when I come out of the boob-tube coma having completed knitting a scarf or something. Video games only count when there is usually more than one player, and all players, as well as passers-by, get a huge hoot out of watching the goings-on. Though, as much as I am against those marathons stretches of solo TV-watching or video game playing, I have to confess, I am more than a little in love with my new PS3 game...

I haven't even been able to do many casual chores around the house because apparently I'm not the only one with too much time on my hands. My laundry's been folded for me more than once; my cooking catastrophes have been tackled before I could finish my creations. Most people would feel grateful, and while I do, I also feel more than useless.

However, I've had a chance to rediscover (as I do every little while) how much I love to read. Having traveled the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea that I've always told myself I would (though arguably, not ALL those 20,000 leagues were under the sea), I have now built myself up to The Glass Castle--a trip that started in Japan and took two years to actually happen. All of my shelves are littered with so many books that I've either read, want to read, or am meaning to re-read. One of these days my floor's going to fall through to the basement.

Something I miss more than I care to admit though, is my volleyball. I haven't played in weeks, and due to a hesitation, I missed my chance to break the streak this past weekend. But, I DO get to give it another go on Thursday. I remember the days when it fit so easily in to my life. It wasn't an addiction though, it was a passion. Always was, always will be. I'll be honest, it's been hard cutting back the way I have, but I guess we all have to make sacrifices in life; it was only going to be a matter of when I would do it.

Finally, there's some drama amongst the trinity. I was beginning to think it'd become complacent and boring and was slowly fading. Thank goodness I was wrong.

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