Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Going for the hug

...got a Wii Fit for Christmas, and seeing as how we had family over almost as soon as he'd opened it, we decided to try it all together. Oh man, was it a HIT. My favourite play:

Wii were playing "head the soccer ball," and although it was all about leaning your body weight the right way at the right time, she still threw in the neck motion. Pro-star.

The hug reference comes in when this grandchild...
...went on a crazy hula-hooping streak and got all of us cheering and stuff until she beat the clock and managed to score just over 300 (303!) hip-tastic hula-ing rotations to take top place. She'd worked us all up into such a frenzy, that when she broke the record, grandma flew to her feet to envelop her talentedly Fit grandchild in a triumphant victory hug. It was great. And ridiculous.
(Those are ski poles, if you couldn't tell...)

Young or old (or immature like myself), Christmas is a time for everyone. I'll never outgrow Christmas.

1 comment:

ehbaba said...

Man! Your MJ-playing grandma was cool...but your wii-playing grandma is even cooler!