Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Who's in charge?

Hey how u doing?
Are u officially the president of JFedC?

I didn't realize you'd stepped down from the position and left it open?! I am officially, UBER-JFedC-ed. I think I hurt more now than ever. It's like I'm missing a part of my own body.


I didn't realize I had the president position?!?! I expected u to be more JFedC than ever after this last week!!! You may be missing a limb or two, but at least you know *tap tap*.

OH. I am SO JFedC. SO. S.O. fuck. Screw being the president--you can keep that if it was yours in the first place. I'm going to be the EMPEROR, RULER OF ALL JFedCs FOREVER!

I'm more than head over heels...more than passionate. It's bad, and it's been less than 24 hours.

Wow!!!! You are messed up!!!!

Messed up? I really think "effed-up" is the word you're looking for. I really feel like I've lost an appendage. Worse than leaving your cell phone at home, or locking your keys in the car. WORSE.

Are you still bleeding profusely....after losing an appendage? The total agony.....!!!!

Bleeding is incessant. I’ll probably suffer from massive hemorrhaging soon and die of a broken heart on top of the missing appendage. AGONY. Actually, I take that back, the agony isn’t so bad anymore once you’ve gone numb, and I think that’s where I am right now.

Wait, some President was replaced by an Emperor because someone had a limb lopped off? I'm so confused! hahaha.

When you make a good team, communication is never an issue--you always just make sense to each other. And what could be more important?

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