Wednesday, February 20, 2008

And a good one it is

This morning as I was brewing a pot of fresh ground coffee, I turned on an old playlist on the computer; I'd left Jenny upstairs in bed. As I putz and listened, I realized something--I may still be young (a yoot, if you will), but my taste in music has really grown up. Here on the old family computer, I've got scores and scores of poppy-pop, and playful hip-hop and dance. Back up on Jenny, and I've got gigs of classical, indie, and rock (though admittedly still some poppy-pop).

That's not to say that you can't be mature listen to fun tunes and that growing up means listening to "serious" music, it's just that I noticed. Before it was all about downloading the latest and the greatest that everyone else was listening to, but now while it's still partly about downloading the latest and the greatest, it's now more about the stuff that defines my tastes and likes and curiosities and moods.

Then: Craig David, Avril Lavigne.
Now: David Usher, Adam Lavine.

(Okay, I tried.)

In assurance of conversations last night, I will not be censored, but I will strive to be the better writer I know myself to be. I may be a little on the melodramatic side most of the time--making a bigger deal of things than they are--but then, that's just me. If I want to share, I'll share; if I want to hide, then I'll hide.

But truth be told--we all know I'm an exhibitionist that performs to be seen, that races to be chased, and who lives on the edge for the thrill of falling and being caught.

P.S. I've brought Jenny down to the kitchen (though am still listening to my old skool music on the other computer) to write, the sun is streaming in through the window onto my bare legs, I'm finishing the last of this morning's coffee, cooking lunch, just finished doing the dishes, and true to the predicitive suggestion...I've blogged a bit already. I'm glad I was coerced out of bed this morning. :)

P.P.S. I forgot to mention that I was also dancing around (I'd say booty-shaking, but we all know that's a lie) in my boxers the rest of the morning. TMI, but that was probably the second best part of my morning. :D

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