Monday, September 10, 2007

Because I can

After a long day at work, and the loom of a long morning ahead, I trudged home only to be faced with all the crap at home I had to do. So, how to cheer myself up while having to shovel through the mess? Clean with my new shoes on, of course.

Vegas, here we come!


Anonymous said...

i see my gold shoes weren't gold enough. fine. i see how it is.

- dimps.

melody said...

dude...I'm a girl, and there were shoes for sale. What was I to do?! Besides, this way, when I fall flat on my face in Vegas because they're too high, you can say that you tried to keep me from doing so...

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes... now you have to clean in a wedding dress. And don't forget to thank all your guests for coming to your wedding. ;p Miss you Boobie. I hate that I can't go with you guys. Still nuff.

ehbaba said...

Those kick ass! And let me tell you direct from Vegas, you'll fit RIGHT in with them.

And I know you'll appreciate this...I really really hate walking the Strip and going into casinos with Steve when I'm dressed up because EVERYONE stares. This is different from the stares I get in Halifax (people there aren't used to inter-racial relationship). In Vegas, people stare because they're wondering how much he paid for me. To make it worse, the stares are longer and more obvious when all 5 of us are out and about (me and Pam...two 26 year old dolls...with 3 guys in their 30s and 50s).


But the food and shows are GGGGREAT.