Friday, September 09, 2005

The un-stinky annual NACIVT Tournament

I can't decide which name I like better: Hero Cookie, or Thunder Chicken. Decisions, decisions.

Last night there was a poker game going on in the ol' conference room. Hero Cookie/Thunder Chicken lost out early and so we went out to fetch some refreshments for the other players. As soon as we exited the building, HC/TC noticed a skunk meandering by the highway wall.

"Hey, there's a skunk! Let's go chase it!"

Of course my first reaction was to laugh and take his suggestion for a joke. But then to my surprise (or maybe NOT to my surprise) he was off after that thing. He chased it for a good 30 metres I'd say, keeping about 5 metres between himself and the skunk the whole time.

"You know if you get sprayed, I'm giving you $2.50 and you're taking the bus home tonight!"

I couldn't believe just how persistent he was--the poor animal was loping along and HC/TC was just stalking right along behind it. Finally, HC/TC decided to give a little burst of speed and close the distance between them as the skunk headed up a hill. As soon as he made his lunge at the skunk, the skunk's tail went springing upwards causing HC/TC to tear off in retreat. We both burst into laughter as the skunk finally disappeared over the hill.

"Man, I was so bold right until his tail went up!"

Luckily, there was no bus riding required at the end of the night.

This past weekend I was caught up in the 61st annual NACIVT tournament held right in Toronto this year, down at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. What a crazy weekend. Parts of me are still sore from all the playing. However, I think I'm more sore over the fact that my brother had taken the camera to Calgary that weekend and so I have a total of zero pictures of the event. BUT, I DO have some of Eng's pictures to share...

Competition was fierce as usual, though I can't complain about the way my team played this weekend. There was just such chemistry and trust between whichever 6 of us were on the court that our games were amazing. We ended losing out in the semi-finals to a team we really shouldn't have lost to (I mean, who loses to a team called "Spice"?) but again, I have no complaints about the way we played our game--I just wish we could've played more.

The NACIVT tournament marked the end of the Tigers' volleyball season, but starting tomorrow, the fall volleyball season begins for me. I'm entered in a tournament to play with HC/TC, Sherman, Mon, Lainey, and Pwong. We're just in for rec-division, but this should be good.

HC: "If you guys make me move at all tomorrow [at the tournament], I'm going to f--kin' hurt you."

I can't wait.

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