Monday, February 19, 2007

Hither and tither into the night!!!...(by the TTC)

I am what you would call an avid reader. I love to read anything and everything, as strange as it may seem. I don't think there's anything I wouldn't read...but there are places that I wouldn't read certain things.

For example.

Riding home on the TTC today, I happened to notice a lady plop down into the seat across from me and pull out a novel to read (in my head I gave her imaginary 'props' as I love the fact that people still enjoy reading). I was all gung-ho about it, until I caught a glimpse of the cover:

Blaze: Breathless

The cover art was of a too large scene that was Basic Instinct-esque, what with the steam bed environment and the man all to oblivious to the woman on top of him and her hidden weapon and clearly malicious smirk.

I mean, reading's reading and I'm mostly glad that people still appreciate the media...but getting all hot and steamy while wedged in between total strangers on a bus in rush hour? I'm not so sure that I wanted her to enjoy that book at all. At least not while I was there.

And here are mothers down in Atlantic Beach all concerned with their local theatre's production of The Vagina Monologues. I think I'd rather explain what a vagina was to my child rather than what the two naked people were doing on the cover of the lady's book on the bus.

Then again, maybe I'm being too harsh on the lady on the bus--at the more power to her. I should really be ragging on those mothers that can't deal with telling their children about simple parts of human anatomy. Hoo-haa...I digress.

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