Sunday, February 04, 2007


Of all the people in the world, it turns out that my own mother is the one to send me the link to what could be the most devastating time-waster in the world.

Actually, I don't think I could really consider this a time waster since I love it SO much! Ouverture-Facile (which, if my grade 9 French serves me correctly, means "Easy Open") is a game about using your wits and your basic computer knowledge to solve puzzles and progress to the next level. Some things are pretty obscure, but all are solvable. And I think one of the things I love best is that the people who play the game, respect the base of the game: solving the puzzles on your own. Despite the extensive forums regarding the game and its 92 (and counting) levels, no one just GIVES you an answer. You'll get many hints and much encouragement, but no easy answers--it's all up to you.

I encourage all who love a challenge to try it. It is SOOOOO gratifying when you solve each puzzle. However, a word of warning about how ADDICTIVE this game can get. I myself have reached level 19 over the span of perhaps 2 days. I wish the rest of you the best of luck.


ehbaba said...

I can't get past stage 2.

melody said...

if you read the game rules, you should get it. if and read both clues. and then if not...we'll just have to get together--I won't ever TELL you, but I can help!