Thursday, December 02, 2004

Essays? But I'm In Holiday Mode!

Rather than just FINISHING the last essays of the year so that I can just get them out of the way, I've spent the last hour replying to a Boobie-Christmas Questionnaire that I will now share most of with you...

How've you been lately? Tired. Too many exams and essays all at once...but excited for the holidays!
What are you doing after the holidays? Going back to school in jan for hopefully my LAST SEMESTER!!! and then possibly off to CUBA with Señorita
Where do you currently live? I'm still here with mom and dad where you guys last left me...unlike SOME boo I know...
Newest favourite movie? The INCREDIBLES!!!
Most recently coveted DVD? Love Actually, The Terminal, Shrek 2
Most recently coveted CD? Kristine Sa's REBIRTH, K-os
Favourite TV shows? CSI (all of the series), FRIENDS, The Simpsons
Anyone new in your life we should know about and be prepared to interrogate? The new beau's Shmelly...though most of you've met him (it's been 5.5 months by now) and I know Ruhbin already LOVES him...(he's MINE, Boobin...I saw him first)
Are you working right now and if so, where and doing what? Regrettably, I'm still working at the Over Easy, apparently with Gennie-Boo (though i NEVER see him) and apparently as a waitress.
Generic gift that people ALWAYS get you at times like these and that you don't want anymore of? Empty picture frames, candles, bath-stuffs
Favourite sport? Duh...VOLLEYBALL!!!
Favourite sports team?, does my own count? (
Favourite number? 2--second's the best!
Favourite colours? Blue...and then I guess red, white, purple...
Favourite animals? Is Shmelly an animal? I dunno...tigers, pandas...
Boo that you've seen the least of over the past 6 months? I vaguely recall some girls named CPP and Lopez... ;)
Boo you've seen the most of over the past 6 months? Tough call...Squiggly, Boobin, or Boo.
Why don't we see each other more often? Wah! I blame it on...the rain?
Last book/thing you read? My essay outline...*groan* However "Mao II" was a good book
How many piercings do you have and where are they? 5--2 per lobe, and one cartilige piercing in my left ear. (Lou, it's been there for TWO years now!)
How do you get around town? TTC to work, drive the car or van around the city, and ride the TruckTruck when I'm special
Favourite drink? Non-alcoholic: Coffee, Bubble Tea, Halo-Halo Alcoholic: anything with Malibu, beer, anything without vodka
Favourite junk food? What time of the month is it? Ferrero Rocher, LAY'S Ketchup chips, nachos with salsa, french fries
Something new you tried to eat recently? Moroccan food, and Buffalo Butter wings...spicy!
Something new you tried to do recently? I went rock climbing not too long ago--we should all go! I also tried to do an essay BEFORE its due date...hahaha
Something new you need for your room? I need a good reading lamp for the floor...the one in bed just makes me go to sleep! Also, if someone knows where I could get me a maid...
What colour's your room? Electrifyingly blue! with a trim of white and then beech wood furniture.
How many other dinners are you attending over the holidays and whose are they? So far, I know of 2 family ones, 2 volleyball ones, 1 Boo one, and we'll see what else pops up.
Something YOU need to stay warm this winter? My own car would be nice. And maybe a new hat. And a cool pair of boots. I also need my mom to stop stealing ALL of my scarves--I have 20, yet she always takes the ones I want to wear.
What electronics do you think everyone needs to own? Computer/Laptop, TV/VCR/DVD, Stereo system, CD/MP3/Walkman, Cell Phone, StarTrek Transporter system, cordless phone, Dr. Ho Masseur, remote controls, a digital camera
How many of those electronics do YOU own? I do NOT have a Laptop or a transporter system (seeing as I'm ALWAYS late for class)
Are you going to INSIDE on December 17th? I will do my BEST to be there for Gennie-boo!!! Will you?
If Santa was your sugar daddy, what would you ask him for this year? A Beamer, laptop, my own Nike Store, and a StarTrek Transporter system
If Santa was a middle-income sort of guy, what would you ask him for? A Laptop, new volleyball court shoes, Kristine Sa's new album ;), and a new ring for my fat-finger.
If Santa was a broke-ass mofo, what would you ask him for? A white Christmas, Time, Happiness, and a night with my Boos

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