Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I Don't Wanna

The worst feeling to experience while in a relationship is not sadness or anger, it's loneliness.

Watching it softly snow for hours yesterday at work, I noticed the construction guy across the street at the ROM directing the dump-trucks while wearing a Santa hat over his hard-hat. I like such people.

My first final is on Friday. With this in mind you'll probably get many more posts by me before then.

I'm tired. I bought a coffee from Tim's and it's just sitting on my kitchen counter, less than 10 steps away from me, but I'm too tired to get up and get it.

I crocheted Boobin a scarf because his sucked. I also crocheted someone else a scarf, but we won't mention who that someone else is just yet. It'll hopefully be a welcome surprise.

Makes me melt: slow-dancing for no reason in a random place, public or private, as though there's no one else in the world except for the one in your arms.

I don't like being tired--it makes me cranky. I don't like being cranky--it makes me feel bad.

I need to read a bit before I write I shall return...if I don't fall asleep first.

Me - Today, while I was on my way home from work, on the phone making plans to go out and eat, mom cooked dinner and then got mad at me for not knowing that she had intended for the family to eat all together. I must've forgotten to turn on my ESP tonight.

Bro - but it's tuesday!

Bro - your ESP should ALWAYS be on on tuesday

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