Friday, December 03, 2004

No More Essays, No More Books...

No more...wait a sec...there are still books cuz there are still Well, at least that's just 10 billion less things to worry about. Damn essays. And Exams. Damn exams.

Can someone explain to me why over a week's worth of writing time, I managed to complete only 3/4 of one essay, but yet when crunch-time came up today, I finished that one essay and wrote an entire other essay (and it was WELL written, I might add) in just under 2.5 hours? I don't get it. There's just something about that last minute rush that just gets the job done everytime. Why can't I bottle some of that rush up and use it for my future essays?

Perhaps I was distracted from essay writing last night because instead I was feeling a little sleighted by a hand of cards. But that could just be me. Today I felt as though I was rolled over on by the unconscious body of a nap caused by last night's sleight of hand. But again, that could just be me.

On a lighter note, Christmas is coming! This is my favourite holiday of the year because of all the joy, warm-heartedness and festivities that go on all at once. Decorating the tree, cooking the turkeys, eating the turkeys, seeing all the loved ones, listening to Christmas's all so heart-warming, don't you think? My favourite part of this all is--believe it or not--the shopping and wrapping of all the gifts I give out! I don't know why, but there's just such a feeling of accomplishment that accompanies sticking on little bows and crossing a name off the list of things to buy. That and I LOVE giving surprises! I'm really bad at keeping them, but I love to give them!

I really hope that we have a white Christmas this year. We've really been lacking in snowfall over the past few years; at least that's what my memory tells me. Christmas just isn't the same if there isn't any snow. For that reason, I could never spend a Christmas in a tropical place--Santa in shorts? I think not. In my mind, there is no such thing as a green Christmas.

Things That Make Me (Extra) Mushy At Christmastime:
  • presents under the tree
  • cuddling by a lit fireplace
  • watching the snowfall from a big window at night
  • see the loved ones at dinnertime
  • kids coming to sit on my lap to show me their Christmas loot
  • a lit Christmas tree in a dark room
  • giving gifts and watching the recipient open it
  • taking a walk at night while the snow's falling and the houses are lit up
  • staying up late the night before with good company to finish last-minute details (wrapping extra presents, baking extra cookies, writing the last few cards)
  • watching Christmas festivities all come together
Doesn't take much to get me going, does it? It's just the season that does it to me. Yay Christmas!

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