Thursday, November 11, 2004

Shuck, Fit, And Other Profanities

I just spent an hour or so leisurely blogging on Blogger. When I went to crashed. My entire hour of "rather-than-essaying" blogging was lost. Now I'm not in the mood to post, but what I wanted to say still lingers. Here it is in a nutshell:

Pablo said not to hate on others, so I hated on others. Those I spent an hour hating on and providing explanations why I felt so:
  1. Girl on Xanga who's a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend posted a picture of herself that makes her look like she has a moustache. Spent sometime bashing the picture.

  2. Pseudo-cousin that Squiggly mentioned earlier tonight. Years ago this pseudo-cousin (very distantly related, but to whom I would otherwise deny any relation to) tried to: be my best-friend, take my friends for his own, convince me he had other and many friends of his own (when he had none), tell me that he'd bought his mother a Volvo for Christmas, and tell me that he'd bought each of my friends personally engraved Swiss Army knives. He is just NOT allowed.

  3. Markham region parking enforcement officer who gave me a ticket at 5:05am. As I later found out, it's illegal to park from 2:30am - 6:00am; he let my car sit there for 2 and 1/2 hours before writing me a ticket, but he couldn't wait 55 more minutes and let me sit there for the rest of the morning?! Asshole. PK the PK officer for being a PK.

  4. People who spend more time converting their 3 page journal entries in chat-jargon rather than just using plain English. Why bother thinking about using abbreviations like "u know wat it wuz" instead of just "you know what it was"? You spent time and money in school learning to do it right, why waste all your effort? Not allowed.

  5. Due dates and the essays that go with them. Why can't I just do it when I want to, even if it means never? Hating essays that are due.

  6. This is an new entry contrary to what I had previously attempted to post before my blog crashed: I hate blogs that crash. Simple as that.
Yeah, so Pablo had some wise words to say about how we shouldn't complain about what we don't have...but here, I don't want these things that I don't have, and therefore I can complain about them. I mean, who wants a pseudo-cousin with a moustache who uses chat-jargon to essay parking-tickets that are due?

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