Saturday, October 19, 2013

The walk out

The day was just running away.  At the start of it, I'd decided I'd just relinquish all control and just let it all happen.  I'd done all that I could leading up to this day, it was time to let the planning fall into place.  I guess because of that, I'd managed to keep calm all day.  My emotions were on an even-keel, despite the fact that I was counting down the mere hours and then minutes left to the most important moment of my life.  Infrequent time-checks got my pulse pumping periodically, but without a constantly visible clock to tick the minutes away, I was okay.  Even putting the dress on was still just "getting dressed" in my brain.

Was I just going to go through the motions of this "big day" like any other day?

Hair up, makeup done, dress on, I was ushered down the hall to the room that was to connect me to my path down the aisle.  Alone with just Señorita, she arranged my train behind me--but I was still okay.

And then my dad entered the room and as the door closed behind him as he scooted in, I caught a glimpse of those outside waiting for the ceremony to start, and I thought I was still okay.

Suddenly, I was shaking.  That was the moment it all hit me--I was about to get married.  I heard "Cello Suite 1" start to play - Señorita's cue - and then the moment - my moment - was suddenly racing towards me in fast forward.  And then it was my turn.  We'd planned for a dramatic pause between Señorita's song and mine to put the audience into a state of suspense, and that plan was backfiring on me - I was cracking under the anticipation.  When the song finally began - "Air on the G String" - I was glad to have dad's arm to hold on to.

Down the aisle
I recall walking down the aisle and trying to look at everyone as they looked at me; I think that was someone's advice to me, but I couldn't quite remember at that moment.  It was amazing to me that everyone was there for me - it really was my day.

Close to the end of the aisle, I finally met Malcolm's eyes.  Already there were tears running down his face.  His tears weren't alone for long.

The formal words were a blur; I remember repeating after Alex, our officiant, I remember accidentally putting the ring on Malcolm a little too early, I remember he had to wipe away tears from both of our faces more than once.  I remember that even with the words to hear and repeat, and even with all of those people watching, we managed to share private moments together in the moments before becoming husband and wife.

I remember just being so happy.

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