The cure for any darkness is a little light, and a lot of nerdiness:
    "Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far and no farther! And I will make them pay for what they've done!"
    --Jean-Luc Picard, about to annihilate the Borg
As much as I can abhor logic sometimes (being the whimsical fairytale dreamer that I am), other times, it can make worlds of sense and make you feel much better about yourself. Especially when it proves that you're not crazy. Even more so when it proves your point. I like having so many pinky-fingers on my team, and not all of them have to have a ring to be so elite. Who said it was the thumb that made humans a superior species?
I don't know...my Xbox controls would suck if I didn't have my thumb. Then again, my nose wouldn't be as clean without my pinky. Its a wash.
LOL! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
*wipes tear*
I can't tell you how I needed that. Thanks :)
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