Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ergonomic deterrent?

My computer at work is a ergonomic as I can set it up to be. My keyboard is a natural form, my mouse is not only on the left side, but is also left-handed. My task bar is set to the side of the screen, and hides when inactive. I love it.

My co-worker sat down to borrow my computer for FB yesterday as he was welcome to by me. He got up and left a moment later when he couldn't get anything to work right. Oops. :)


IANW said...


melody said...

Well, while we're on the topic of me being a N.E.R.D., I just thought I'd point out that you SHOULD have spelled it:

Enn-ee-arr-dee! :D

I don't deny it. I am very in touch with my nerdy-side.