Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Quote for Morioka:

"Wow, it's so foggy up here!"
"Dude, that's not fog, that's cloud. We're in the clouds."
"Oh yeah...cool..."
--Mine and Jean's conversation atop of Mount Iwate

So, despite the missed train and the broken luggage, I managed to get my ass to Morioka by 12:30pm on Monday. As my bad travel fortune would have it, Jean didn't get my messages about my being delayed four hours and he was waiting for me at the station for a good chunk of that time. :S Until he got his wifey to help him check his cell phone messages that is. :)

The rain kept coming down, driving us away from a few locales to check out, but We still managed a bunch before heading over to pick up Mrs. G from work. We saw:
The 500 Disciples of Buddha... ...each one uniquely representing that particular disciple... ...one amongst the many being rumoured to be Marco Polo himself.

Demon handprints on the rocks
Story is that the demon that toremented the town put his handprints on these rocks as a sign of his promise never to return.
We didn't find any print-looking indents, but it was nice all the same.

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