Thursday, March 08, 2007

BLFF: Update

So Squiggly just fixed my little travel suitcase and I was all ready to start packing for my trip to Himeji and Hiroshima. I opened the flap and was about to ram stuff in, when I noticed something...

The damn frame of my suitcase was BENT!!!

Okay, not a big deal, I just just my uber strong muscles and bent the damn thing back, but the point is, it's weakened now and who knows how long it's going to last before finally snapping.


I also spent an hour longer in travel today than I needed to because I got lost. Dang it. I ended up having to cut a few things out of my itinerary because of the delay. However, as my luck's been working out, the two guys that I stopped to ask--though neither spoke a lick of English--managed to sign me amazing directions that got me right to where I needed to go. Of course I arrived much later than I'd expected to, but that wasn't their faults.

Alright, back to packing.

Inuyama Castle, after 2 hours on the road...

...and 250mL of wine for less than $2CAD at the end of the night with Squiggly--just to make it all better.

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