Tuesday, August 29, 2006

You know what kind of boy it makes Jack

I had a fairly blah moment today at work. It was while I was scanning my list of online MSN contacts (though without having the time to actually carry a conversation with any of them) and seeing that at least half of them were silent and with an "away" or "busy" status because they were all "at work."

At work. Man, does that mean we've all grown up? Or does it mean that we just haven't found the job yet that allows us to always be "at play"?

I will know when I have found my vocation when I find that whenever I'm at work, I'm still at play.

Read the freakin' funniest resume--no, sorry, Curriculum Vitae--with brodder tonight. When I have more time and energy, I would like to share it with you...but I don't know if that's going to happen anytime soon. Why?

Washington D.C. in 2 days and counting...!

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