Friday, August 11, 2006


That's it: the job's gotta go.

I started work this morning at 9:00am. I finished work this evening at 9:30pm.

(Holy crap, even I didn't realize I'd worked over 12 hours until seeing it written down just now!)

Due to all the CRAP I had to deal with at work, I didn't:
  1. budge from the general area of my desk for the whole day,
  2. mail my RSVP for Jean's wedding until 10pm, meaning it'll only JUST get there in time,
  3. call the City of Toronto to see if I still had to pay a parking ticket,

  4. and worst of all,
  5. though I wrote it, I didn't get to send in my review of my favourite professor!
I mean, sure, I got free food and snacks out of staying late, but I don't get overtime, I don't have this evening to relax, and I'm behind now in my own life! I'm sure that if I'd insisted to leave, I could have, but damn my good work habits that have me finish the task at hand before leaving! Too bad this task was just so damn daunting!

Anyway, for anyone who's interested, read on to find out why I love my prof so much that I was disappointed for not getting to send this review in on time. I just want SOMEONE to know what I think!

Simply stated, I am of the opinion that ------ ----- makes an excellent professor at the University of Toronto at Scarboorugh. As a lecturer, he arrives prepared with an agenda of texts and topics to cover, and as strongly as he encourages student participation via thoughtful questions and comments, he is able to remain on schedule without having to skip material or interrupt any interesting thoughts a student may introduce. As well structured as each of his classes is, so are his entire courses; no texts are missed due to too much or too little time spent on another. Quizzes, tests, and exams are announced well in advance if not indicated on the syllabus at the beginning.

Many students—-myself included—-find Professor ----- very approachable, partly due to his comparatively young age amongst the average faculty member, and partly due to the fact that his courses cover more contemporary areas of interest. He also genuinely listens to comments students make in and out of class; it is not uncommon to see ----- take notes while a student is expressing a particularly unique idea.

With courses such as American Pop Lyric and Rap Lyrics as Poetry, I think that Professor ----- sets an example to students that obtaining a university degree is applicable not only to job situations, but to the pursuit of personal interests and curiosities as well. His enthusiasm in class is contagious at times, and all enjoy attending classes regularly—I recurrently have problems ensuring that I can enrol in his courses, let alone worrying about finding a seat.

Along with only a few other faculty members I have had a chance to study under the guidance of, Professor ----- is one of those that I think is genuinely a great asset to the staff at the university.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I"m listening! Sorry about your day at work! You sound really busy. Wish I could be there for you. Don't fret. I'm always there thinking about you!!!!!!