Thursday, August 10, 2006

It can only get better

Yesterday I thought I'd treat myself to a Timmy's on the way to work since I'd left the house early enough. Bad decision. I got there, saw the drive-through line was short, and pulled into line. Worse decision.

It took me 10 minutes just to buy a coffee and a croissant.

At first I sat in my car and grumbled at the thought of people lining up for drive-through in order to buy enough to feed their whole office at once. But as I sat there a little longer, I watch the people place their orders fast enough at the speaker, but then have to wait an eon before inching up to the window. And then I watched one of the employees come out of the back door to slowly don a pair of gloves and a traffic vest in order to sweep up the garbage that no one had had the chance to litter out of their window yet that day.


To top it all off, after I finally got my breakfast, raced to work, and squealed into a parking spot, my coffee got knocked over as I was reaching for my bag and fell top down onto the floor of the car.


Oh, and to top all of that off, there was a client waiting to be let into the office by me in order to drop off some paperwork--a client with the WORST B.O. EVER. Nice guy, really, but he just reeks! Talk about starting your day off on the wrong foot; the rest of the day just followed the same, miserable suit.


Today wasn't all that much better. It took me 5 hours to do something that should have taken me only 1, just because my boss decided that he didn't like the address labels after he'd approved them 3 days ago. I stayed 2 extra hours today to try to get myself organized and I'm still in disarray.

Optimistically: because of my boss' indecision, I taught myself to photoshop today.

And bonus: Adam the air-conditioner guy came in today, just to say "hi" and smile at me.

Today wasn't that bad.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like it really did balance out itself out. Nice but ouch, how did you clean up the coffee?

Anonymous said...

reading back - omg i would have SO taken your tv!! lol but glad it went to a good home :)

and where are you working now missy? sorry i am soo behind on reading your blog, i've sold out to my job too :(