Thursday, June 16, 2005

My two left feet...if only

Went shopping today with Tuna. Had to buy Brodder's birthday present, dad's Father's day present, and perhaps Shmelly's anniversary present (it's been a year already?!). As we made our way through the mall, one stop brought us to SportChek where I found pair of Mizuno court shoes on sale. I tried on one pair, and then asked the sales guy to bring me out another pair in another style, which he did. I first put on the left shoe to see if I'd gotten the right size. The shoe fit like I glove. I was so excited, so I grabbed the other shoe out of the box to put that on.

But there was a problem. It was another left shoe.

Tuna laughed while I sent the sales guy scouring the store for the right shoe for my right foot. Alas, there was none. I was SO going to buy that shoe had they been a pair! Damn me and my pair of feet! And here I'd thought that having two left feet was just a colloquialism, meanwhile, somewhere out there, there is in fact someone with two right feet. That, or someone is wearing a pair of Mizuno shoes with a very uncomfortable left foot.

Batman Began yesterday with me as one of the last audience members. I thought it was pretty well done. It sure explained a lot. Much like the third episode of Star Wars--everything seem to fall more into place after seeing both those movies and knowing what came in the movies "after" those. I swear BigSexy nearly ruined his pants a few times throughout the movie. Whenever a new character made an appearance, I heard a little gasp come from the seat next to me. Names like "Flass" or "Scarecrow" meant nothing to me, but to BigSexy, they meant so much more. But in spite of the fact that those names meant little to me (and in spite of the fact that Katie Holmes sucked), I thought it was an awesome job with the story and casting. In the words of another friend, "It Rawked!"

As a side note, Mr. & Mrs. Smith was also really good. Shmelly and I flew out to see it on Sunday night, and loved it. That casting was perfect too, and the story was simple, but without any gaps. I wish I was like Mrs. Smith...or maybe I am...who could know?

Pablo had the decency to be discreet about a certain someone's birthday this weekend, but I don't think I will be since it was just SO FUNNY! I WILL omit, the name of this certain someone, but I am going to go ahead and post the MSN conversation I had with this someone, semi-detailing the events of his birthday party on Saturday:

Me - doing anything to celebrate your 23rd?
Certain Someone - no, but the guys took me out on Sat to kareoke
Me - oooooh fun. Karaoke? Where? did you sing? did they sing to you? hahaha
CS - yeah at jingo, i was trashed, so i was actually singing lol.
CS - but those guys played such a bad prank on me at the end.
Me - that's hilarious! really? what happened?
CS - well they blindfolded me, and had a stripper come in to give me a lapdance.
CS - so eventually they tell me to raise my arms and put them behind my back
CS - and i go along with it, enjoying my time
CS - this is after i have my hips on the stripper
CS - and finally when my arms are in the air, they beat the shit outta me.
Me - Bwahahahaha!
CS - but....
CS - i find out the next morning that it wasnt a stripper
CS - it was HOWARD :@
CS - he was rubbin up on me and shit
Me - SHUT UP!!!! that's SOOOOOOOOOO good!!!!
CS - and they took pics!
Me - hahahahaha!
CS - with my hands holding his hips
CS - i cant believe i didnt know
Me - that's hilarious! you couldn't tell it was a GUY?
CS - but i was too drunk
Me - hehehe it must've been a lot of alcohol!
CS - hah yeah quite a bit :)
Me - well, it wouldn't be a party without that much alcohol

Pablo, you and the guys also rawk.

I don't know about you, but drunk or not, I would NEVER trust the guys enough to let them blindfold me on my birthday. :) Well, belated Happy Happy regardless, certain someone.

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