Monday, April 25, 2005

Home Again

Brodder's home and it's wonderful. The first night back, he was sitting on the couch in the living room, working away using the wireless network on his laptop. I was twenty feet away in the computer room, logging onto MSN to check out the action. Suddenly, a message window popped up to welcome me.

Bro - Hi! ;D
Me - Hey! :D
Me - Mother's Day?
Bro - Aw crap.
Me - May 8
Bro - heh
Bro - N wants to have Skinny's birthday party here on the 7th
Me - isn't that nice. doesn't Skinny have his own house?
Shmelly walked by at this point to see who I was chatting with. He realized it was Brodder and shook his head.
Me - Shmelly thinks we're stupid. Tell him we're not
Bro - and all this time, i've been using my lungs like a sucker
Me - never mind your lungs, your LARYNX

Then, the next night, just as I was crawling into bed and getting cozy with a book, Brodder started banging on the wall between our rooms.

Me - What?!
Me - WHAT?!
Bro - (muffled through the wall) Come here!
Me - No!
Me - *sigh*
Like a sucker, I got back OUT of bed and went to his room to see what he wanted. When I got there, he was sitting at his desk, behind his laptop.
Me - What do you want?
Bro - *looks up from his screen* Oh, while you're up, you want to turn off my lights? I'm going to watch BeBop.

That's what life is like when Brodder is home. I think something else funny happened today while we were out for dim sum, but I can't seem to remember. I do remember something else from dim sum though. I had just informed mother that after lunch I was heading to a bridal shower for a friend of mine and Shmelly's. On the topic, mother commented that the restaurant we were in--although equipped with raised stage tables, lights, sound-system and dance floor--was still too crappy for anyone to hold their wedding; she couldn't understand ANYONE wanting to hold their reception there.

Me - Uh, mom? My friend's wedding reception IS going to be here.

Booyah. Brodder and I dissolved into giggles.

The bridal shower later today was interesting. I've never seen anyone come into ownership of SO MUCH lingerie ALL at once. Mind you, this was my first bridal shower ever. I admit that being there made me want to have my own bridal shower someday--that lingerie was NICE!

*Does anyone else also pronouce it "LING-gr-ee" in their head despite knowing better?

A few of the girls there had been worried about conservatism since the bride's mother was going to be present at the shower. Of course it turned out that her mother was the biggest party animal there! Not only was she the first to get at the food and drinks, but she was the running commentary during the whole gift-opening session. One by one as the little nighties and camisoles and sex toys came out, she got more and more excitable.

Bride's mom - Oh look! So many! And so pretty too! One for each day of the week! One for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday...and then wear nothing on Sunday!

Her Chinese accent and broken English made everything THAT much better too.

New job starting for realsies tomorrow. Well, at least as far as I can tell. The last couple of times I've been there I've just been an extra pair of hands without pay. Tomorrow I'll have my own punchcode and a chance at serving my own tables too. How exhilarating! I hope that this job works out. For one thing, the extra cash would be nice, and for the other, I don't want to let Wendikiss down. She got me the job there, and all I want to do is make her proud! Although the place is a bit of a commute for me (it's down at Royal York and Bloor) I actually enjoy the train ride there. I get a chance to read and write and people-watch all the way there. AND I'm pretty much guaranteed a seat on the train no matter which way I'm commuting since I'm pretty much at the ends of the route. AND, if I'm ever early, or wanting to idle after my shift, there's this cute little Second Cup on the corner that has the most perfect seats to sit and write in. Awesome. Far away, but awesome. If anyone's willing to take the time for a visit during my shift, just let me know and I'll send out the directions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg you have friends that are having bridal showers already?!?!?! GAWD i feel older than EVAR :( wahhhhhhhhhhhhh