Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Famous Last Words

Remember how the last thing I said in my last post was that I had exams? Exams that I had to be studying for? Yeah, well, guess what I'm doing here?

So Boyz II Men this weekend was AWESOME. The three of them (minus Michael McCary, due to sickness, I believe) did an outstanding job. All of their songs brought back so many memories and warm fuzzy feelings of days gone by. They totally played to the audience (of perhaps 20 000+ people) and easily won all of us over. Even those of us "twenty-five years old and upper". Haha.

The only thing that I wish could have been different about the concert was that I wish that I'd gotten to watch it with Señorita--not just because she'd had better seats than me, but so that we could have been all mushy and weepy together. I mean, I KNEW that she was being all mushy and weepy without me from a distance, but I wanted to be there WITH her. We're such losers. And if I'd been sitting with her I'd have been right there with her on the mad dash to the stage in hopes of grabbing up one of those precious roses those boys were handing out. However, had I been there with her, we probably would have knocked each other off our respective chairs while standing on them to dance high up to the encore number of "Motownphilly". Since we weren't together, she just managed to poke some other guy in the eye in her frenzied fervor of dancing. Still good times.

Also, had I been seated with her I might also have been loitering around long enough to have been able to snag a covert autograph and personal meeting with Wanya Morris as he snuck out the doors of the concert hall. Again, Lucky Bitch. She's just lucky that she's MY Señorita. Otherwise, there might have to be some asskickin' going on.

In other news, I hacked off a foot of my hair this weekend, and the only person to notice without having to be told or prompted was Peru. That could be attributed to the fact that Peru lives with me and might have known I was busy getting my hair cut in the salon in the basement, but still. She's the only one to really notice. But I don't blame most of those that I came across for not noticing. #1, they were mostly men that I interacted with in the past 2 days...and when do men EVER notice these things? and #2, most of these men are volleyball friends who usually only see me on the courts with my hair lashed back into a ponytail of sorts. So, all is still well. However, now that you all know, you have no excuse to not notice anymore.

I went to go donate blood with Boobin today down at the Manulife Centre. The plan had been that I'd study down at the reference library until about 4:30pm when he'd get off work and Shmelly'd get off school and then together we'd make our way over to the Donation Clinic. Of course neither of them stick to the plan. Shmelly got off school by 2:45pm today and so he met me down at the library by 3:00pm. Speculating that I still had an hour and a half at least before getting to give my blood, I decided to grab a bite to build up some energy.

While Shmelly and I were in the midst of eating and arguing whether or not it was good for me to be eating so close to donation time, Boobin phoned to tell us he was off work early. It was 3:30pm by then. After eating my potentially harmful lunch, we headed over to the clinic to see how long the wait would be since we hadn't been able to book an appointment. The whole way there I was worrying myself about the whole procedure; wondering if I'd be a suitable candidate, whether my late lunch was going to have any effect on my candidacy, and whether or not I'd actually be able to braven up for the task. Turns out we didn't have to wait at all...the clinic closed before we even got there. Boogers. So we're going to have to try some other time...and after all that preparation gone awry, too.

Alright, back to the books. Or over to the couch to veg in front of the boob tube for a while...whichever.

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