Thursday, February 24, 2005

I Should Be Where?

I should be asleep. I should be asleep. I should be asleep. I should be asleep.

Tomorrow's the first game of two against UTM and we're battling it out for the #1 in playoffs...and I'm nervous. It's weird. This WHOLE season, I've kinda just shown up to games with the attitude of it being just another play date, but tomorrow's game's got more onus on it for some reason. Whatever. We'll kick the crap out of them. They may be big, but they ain't that big. #5, we've got our eyes on you... Muahahaha!

It's Shmelly's birthday this weekend and to be honest, I think I'm more hyped up about it than he is. Mostly because I've been ready for this weekend for about a month now and his birthday present is just BURNING a hole under my desk, waiting to be opened. Also, let's just say that I TRIED to plan some stuff to surprise him with this weekend, but due to his own planning, it fell through. Way to ruin your own surprise, stupid. :p Buuuuut, once he FINALLY gets to open his present, I think I'll forgive him. Maybe.

Brodder's home for his extended weekend and I just had my first encounter with him moments ago. Man, I forgot exactly how much facial hair Brodder had--it's enough to even give Boobin a run for his money (to give you an idea, Boobin sometimes shaves twice in the same day if he wants to look clean shaven by night). Hehe--there was this one time that Brodder's friend, Skinny, wrapped his birthday gift in manilla paper and then drew a cartoon pictures of Brodder's face before and after that birthday (I think it was his 17th birthday?). Anyway, Skinny's not much of an artist so the two pictures looked exactly the same...except the "Older" Brodder was COVERED in dots to show how much more facial hair he had now. Bwahahahahaha...*sigh* really had to have been there...

I was doing some rounds tonight and I have one word for some writers out there: paragraphs.

(Sorry Gennie-Boo for this upcoming part...)

Afterlife this Saturday is going to be OFF DA HOOK! SO many people I know are going to be there that night due to four birthday parties that I can think of off the top of my head. BigSexySoil, Shmelly, and two other acquaintances are choosing to be there that night to celebrate--CRAZY! I can't wait. If the drinks are as cheap as they used to be when Afterlife was my second home, all those birthday people are SO in TROUBLE!!! BSS: you're SO not walking out of there that night--you'll be LUCKY if you can still SIT in your courtside seats for the Raptors/Lakers game on Sunday! Muahahahaha!

I should be asleep. I should be asleep. I should be asleep. I should be asleep.

There are two extra people living in my house this weekend. Who they are, what they're doing here, and where exactly they're going to sleep, I have no idea (well, I have SOME idea), but what I DO know is, they're lucky I banished Shmelly to sleep at his own house tonight. I just hope that I still remember that they're here in the morning when I drag my half-conscious thwaist into the shower--any wrong run-ins with that just MIGHT be slightly awkward. *shudder*

Ahhhh, having written about this for a bit has eased my anxiety about tomorrow's game. Now all I have to worry about is getting my thwaist up early enough to get TTC tokens to get TO the game. Yay! Oh! And G is coming to the game--bonus! I was just telling Shmelly in the Truck-Truck about how G was my G for volleyball and how I'm excited that she's coming to watch me play for the first time in SO long--I just hope I make her proud! *chest-bump* That's for you, G! Oh, the excitement's running high now! Whoo-hoo!

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