Friday, February 11, 2005

Dorothea and Rosamond are "looking at each other"

I decided to take a random sample out of my essay to serve as my title. Thought I'd mix things up a bit. How'd I do?

Anyway, Shmelly just left for work from having crashed on my couch for a couple of hours so I felt the need to procrastinate, in denial of the fact that I just told him I was either going to go ahead and FINISH my essay, or go to bed and re-energize before doing so. In my quest to waste time, I came across the post of another blogger that I decided to steal, copy, and paste into my own post, for reasons that should be apparent to those who are aware...
"I can’t sleep, Husband number 1 (I call him that to keep him on his toes) is snoring like a walruses during a mating call. Not that I know what that sounds like or if indeed walruses make any mating noises but it seems a fitting description of the near deafening noise emitting from the bed."
Haha. It still amuses me. Perhaps maybe because I'm so tired and it's so early. Still feeling a little in the dark? Well, just substitute the word "bed" from the quote above with the word "couch" and maybe you'll get it. Maybe.

I've heard that some people snore loud enough to cause severe or complete hearing loss for their partner; those snores are comparable to the decibel ratings of a chainsaw. Can you imagine sleeping next to a chainsaw? If you can't imagine it, but would like to (god knows why) give it a try, call me, I MIGHT be able to hook you up. ;)

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