Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Serving in the City

I think I shall deem Wednesdays as my Celebrity Day at work. Yes, I had the opportunity to serve the "Sex in the City" Star, Kim Catrall today. It was--like serving anyone else. I'm not the biggest "Sex in the City" fan (that's not to say I don't like it, just that I don't watch religiously--there's a difference) so I wasn't all gaa-gaa over her appearance at my table, but I did recognize her from the movie, "Mannequin", (which is MY movie and no one else's *ahem*) which I probably watched about 5 million-billion times as a kid. Anyway, like I said, serving her was like serving any other customer--she was nice, polite, and apparently not a pepper fan. I think the guys were more excited about her dining on the patio today than I was--although that probably didn't have much to do with her acting career, but probably had more to do with what she was wearing...or what she wasn't. ;)

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