Thursday, June 03, 2004

Randomly At It Again

Believe it or not, I'm having writer's block.

Squiggly called me tonight as I was making my blog rounds and he was apparently having a glass of wine. He asked what he had to ask, and I told him what I needed to tell, and then we just stayed on the phone. I miss doing that. I haven't had the time to do that in so long: have a comfortable silence with Squiggly. So tonight, for the first night in many that I haven't had to pass-out early, I was comfortable.

"'Friendship,' said Pooh, 'is a very Comforting sort of Thing.'"
    --a quote off of a Winnie the Pooh picture from Squiggly

I went out for dinner tonight with Chong at I think The Boathouse Grill down by Queen's Quay where I ordered a Jack Frost alcoholic drink; Amaretto, Piña Colada, and strawberry. When it came to the table, it looked so good: an icy pink smoothie in a sugar-rimmed glass...only it wasn't sugar-rimmed--it was salt. Needless to say, as interesting as it was, the bartender was nice enough to make me another Jack Frost, this time adding a lime and a generous amount of sugar to the lip of my glass. Yummy.

The best friends are the ones who you don't have to call or see everyday in order to be reassured of your friendship. It could be weeks or months in between the times that you spend together, but whenever you finally DO get to talk to each other, you can pick up exactly where you left off, never wondering about whether the bond between you has weakened at all during the time that you've spent apart. It's that trust and confidence in your friendship that keeps it strong; that's what love is all about.

As per my conversation with Boo earlier this evening, there is good poetry, and there is bad poetry.

A bad poem will have the lines rhyme with each other, but will allow for the atrocious rearranging of words in order to get that rhyme at the end of the line.
A good poem will either ditch the rhyme to have a good line, or ditch the line altogether.

A good poem will keep its vocabulary and diction constant throughout, using words like "weep" together with "will not".
A bad poem will have its vocabulary and diction selected randomly from different periods of time and slang, using words like "bawl", "doth", and "chit-chat".

In a good poem, you will "reminisce".
In a bad poem, you will make up words like "reminence" instead of checking your spelling.

A good poem will contain metaphors and similes to capture the poet's emotions and feelings when she is feeling trapped or uncomfortable.
A bad poem will say that you are "Suffocating like being in oh so tight leather."

I met a massage-therapist today. I served him lunch and talked to him for a spell, taking one of his cards at the end. I bet he's amazing at what he does--they say your sense of touch heightens when you're blind.

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