Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Random Rant

Wow, I miss blogging. I haven't written anything in SO long. I haven't read anything in SO long. I haven't chatted in SO long. I haven't seen anyone in SO long. I haven't talked to anyone in SO long. I haven't stayed up late in SO long. I haven't slept-in in TWO days (c'mon, this is ME we're talking about...). I already need a vacation from work, and I've only been there for two weeks. But that's two weeks during which I haven't done anything I'm used to. However, on the other hand, that's two weeks during which I've done and experience so many NEW things. Allow me to enlighten you in no particular order...

I've met many new and terribly interesting people that I would LOVE to sit and talk to again, and that's not including all the other wait staff (those guys I get to see practically everyday now):
    - Donna Lee
    - Matt
    - Dr. Craft
    - Donovan Cheney
    - Brian Thomas
    - Althea Prince
I'll leave it to you to speculate whether or not my business card offer-er is on this list or not... ;)

I've learned the value of giving and receiving tips. I've noticed that when I tip now I'm sure it's to generously reflect the service I've received, and I've noticed that when I receive tips, I'm truly appreciative of those who are generous themselves--that $30 tip on the $25 bill was indeed a strange yet generous gesture... :)

I bought hair chopsticks this weekend and left them on the kitchen counter when I got home. The next day I couldn't find them...because dad had put them in the dishwasher.

Weddings are so beautiful. They make me SO mushy. At the wedding that I was at this weekend, for their first dance, the bride and groom had a ballroom-type dance choreographed to "It Had To Be You" ready to perform to the rest of their onlookers--top hat, cane, and everything! Awww...

As cool as my extended-extended family and cousins are in St. Catharines, I feel very self-conscious when I go out there for family occasions--they're ALL so much better looking than me (Brodder will vouch for me regarding this fact), I feel like I got the shallow end of the family gene pool.

Deep-fried french toast tastes GOOD; you don't even need to butter it before adding maple syrup! And then adding a little side of whipped cream with it--YUM!!!

I spend SO much whenever I go out with Señorita--not that I didn't know that before. But then again, the "Eternal Egypt" exhibit, milkshakes, commute, shopping, parking, and whatever else were SO worth it!

You can always rely on the black dress as being a reliable choice for formal events such as weddings...grrrr...

Shopping with Mom is always a bargoon! (Janette you should come with us next time!) $2.50 pants? How could you go wrong???

I am NOT good with cash in hand...it burns holes in my pockets and I end up spending SO much of it!

A smile is definitely contagious...and helps to lighten-up some people's moods completely!

I am no longer nocturnal, but that doesn't mean that I'm a morning person all of a sudden either. ;) I miss my lazy afternoon hours and my flexible working hours back at the theatre with the guys, but I gotta admit--instant cash is definitely a perk to this new job!

Via a mere TWO degrees of separation, I can be connected to the bassist of I Mother Earth--cool.

I loathe uniforms.

I'd write more, but sadly enough, it's bed-time for me...I swear I'll be back soon...I miss you guys too.

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