Thursday, June 03, 2004

Lost, But Found

I sure many of you remember me complaining once long ago that my drafts wouldn't save on Blogger. Well, now that Blogger has updated their template and publishing formats, guess what I found buried deep within my pile of posts? All the drafts I once tried to save unsuccessfully! So, following, in no particular order, are some posts I started but didn't necessarily finish or post, thinking they were lost forever to the depths of cyberspace. The only semi-relevant post for current reading is probably the first one.

This song ["Today, Tonight" by Dishwalla] caught my attention today as I was supposed to be studying Thomas More's Utopia. It's because I was feeling that feeling that I feel every once in a while--the one where I feel like I'm waiting for something to happen. I feel like my life right now has plateaued and now I'm waiting for something to come along and take it to the next level. I have no idea what it is that I'm waiting for, but it feels like if I wait long enough, it'll come, and it'll happen, and it'll be worth it. At this moment, I'm putting my faith in something unknown; risking my time for something that could never come. But by doing so, I'm getting the feeling that I'm on the right track. Do you ever get that sometimes? It's not quite deja vu, but it's not quite a leap of faith either. It's as though I'm sensing that my fate is about to take a turn and Destiny's going to throw something my way...I hope I'm ready to catch it.

[This post is most applicable when read in conjuction with "TOP SECRET BLOG DAY Part 2" from January 9, 2004]

Alright, so as soon as mom found me blogging on her computer at work, she booted me off, hence, my last post was unfortunately so short. Since then, I haven't made it back to blogger, either at her work or at home, so here I am...with the rest of the confidential scoop of what she does at work.

The whole reason I'd gone into work with my mom was because I gathered from the stories she ALWAYS had to tell after work that all she and the other employees did at work was SOCIALIZE. They were always chatting, joking around, wandering from floor to floor to see what progress each other were making, going out for lunch together, throwing the best staff parties and such, and sharing pizza and beer every few weeks as they sat together to view the dailies or the new animations created since the last pizza and beer day.

I suppose it's not a crime to tell you that she works at an animation company of sorts. They animate movies. Or at least they're apparently doing so right now. However, I spent the first 1/2 hour at mom's work, sitting across from her at her desk, staring at her as she read her emails and took notes for her "things to do" list for the day. I got to meet all of her co-workers that had desks or offices en route from the front door to her own office. I would've hung out with them, but they seemed as busy with their work as mom was. And everytime I tried to join in on any conversation they were having, it would end shortly after, putting me back to square one: folding origami shapes for the receptionist downstairs out of the paper in mom's recycling bin.

15 minutes later Snuffy walked in. Thank GOD!!! She came in to say hi to my mom and to drop off a belated Christmas gift as she'd gone back to Cali and then London for the holidays. (She gave mom a Happy Buddha necklace of jade from her favourite Japanese store in California.) Anyway, Snuffy and I had met before, and she was more than happy to get me out of my mother's hair and take me around the place. Our first stop was to her own desk to make an appearance, and then she disappeared on the excuse that she needed to go to the bathroom--but really was just going to take me on my tour instead.

It was so cool. We went up to the animating floor where EVERYONE had their own workstation and computer with TWO HUGE monitors. One screen would have all the programming on it while the other would display whatever it was they were creating. So cool. They weren't set up in cubicles either, but more like plasmic blobs all across the floor.

[This post was probably supposed to happen sometime in December of 2003]

So did I mention that Vin and I spontaneously combusted and drove up to Waterloo on Tuesday? Well, we did. Had to wake up DAMN early to do so too...11am is just not right. :p We kind of just threw up the idea the night before as we were studying, and before we knew it, we'd made all the arrangements and were on our way.