Thursday, January 15, 2004

Enter Appropriate Title Here...
(That title's actually the title you can find at the top of all my essays-in-progress...until I think of the appropriate title, of course)

omg. Sound the trumpets--Pablo's FINALLY updated his Xanga page! He even made the painstaking effort of changing his MSN name to advertise this event: "gogogogogogogogogogogo"--to his page, was basically the urgent gist of it. And although here is where I would normally proceed to smack-talk about Pablo's desperation for people to read his page that would normally not even give him a second glance over a mound of donkey-ass (yes, Pab, that IS "ass-ass"), I shall refrain this one, monumental time--his advertisement DID have it's effect on me as I DID go and read it. I WILL, however, go on to make fun of some of the typos from his page... *evil grin*

furry - apparently this is a noun. The name of the vehicle that cab-drivers drive in Montreal.
    Excerpt: "He took it and sped off in a furry, probably to try to look for other drunkards to scam."

starring - v. Similar to a "Care Bear Stare"; when one lays a twinkling, yet omnious gaze on another, marking them for destruction.
    Excerpt: "...most of the boyz woke up and were all starring at the two shit tarts."

I only wish I could claim "boyz" as a typo as well, but Pablo insists on this spelling throughout the whole of his blog... My lack of the use of ebonics is usually what gives me away when I try to chat on MSN using Hun-Gee's log-in. Where Hun-Gee would type: "Yo fokker, what u sayin?", I would type: "Hello dear sir, how are you doing this fine day?" Odd how Pablo can ALWAYS tell it's me and not him...

Back to the topic of Pablo's update, I regret that I myself have not been more diligent with MY blogging. Although I've posted far more frequently and far more recently than Pab, I still haven't been paying as much attention to my blog as I should be. I've already heard the voices of concern from my faithful followers (okay, faithful followER, Señorita) and I WILL do my best to catch up. I've already tried more than once at finishing my TOP SECRET blog, but to no avail. It's probably my own fault simply because I find trashing other people's typing abilities so much more amusing... :p

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