Monday, April 16, 2012

Drawn to the dark side

I recently switched phones.  I went from a BlackBerry to an Android phone--it seemed that while I was away in Asia, everyone that used to be on my BBM list graduated that way too, so it was only natural that I catch up.  That and my friend GAVE me an Android; the Samsung Galaxy Nexus.  Only a day into using it did I realize that switching was probably a bad idea.

It. Is. So. Much. Fun.

At first it was Scramble with Friends and Words with Friends where playing against Brodder I continually got my no-ass handed to me and I kept going back for more.  But then I caved to what I knew was going to be my biggest addiction:  Draw Something.

I'd never played it before, only caught glimpses of it on my friends' phones, but I knew it was going to be trouble.  It was.  I probably downloaded it at 11:30pm, and finally threw in the towel to sleep at 4:30am.  Mostly because no one else was awake to play with me.

So. Worth. It.

I continued to play and add friends the next day.  I'd drained my battery only 3 hours after waking up from playing games continuously.  The best Draw Something chat I had was with dimps:

Coming up on Turn 21
dimps:  Playing with you is so much faster than playing with Kee.  It took days to get to this level.  With you it's been hours.
mel:  yeah, well, whether I draw slow or fast, it's still going to suck, so why take so long?
dimps:  true!

And I'm still at it.

(I know using words is technically not allowed, but if I didn't, she would have had NO clue.)

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Add me! PamsLabyrinth