Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dye-it day 3

For a little while yesterday, between lunch and dinner, I thought I wasn't going to make it.  I admit, I was starving.  Normally, I would have just grabbed a snack and said "to hell with it" but I didn't.  I REALLY wanted to stick it out and see what this diet could do.  So I survived.  As soon as I got home from work, I made dinner and wolfed it down (though getting home right after work takes a while with traffic so in essence, I really ate at the proper dinnertime).  Crisis averted.

A few movies later and Malcolm and I turned in for the night.  I'd thought about stepping on the scale before bed because Malcolm did (and exclaimed that he'd "lost 3 pounds! I've been trying hard to lose anything--this is great!" but I decided to wait until this morning.

True to form, I spent my weekend morning sleeping.  I woke once as Malcolm left for work and was convinced I was going to get up...but I succumbed to the beckon of my pillow instead.  When I finally did manage to get myself out of bed, I went for my second super-long morning pee and then stepped on the scale as I was brushing my teeth.  I squinted at the display, and then decided to go grab my glasses to be sure.

Glasses on, toothbrush still in use, I stepped back on the scale.  Once more, I sought reinforcements.  I flipped on the light switch.  Back to the display.

8 pounds?

That's what I'd see each time.  So, since yesterday, I'd lost an additional 5 pounds to make for a grand total weight of  1XX minus 8 pounds?!

Holy crap.  Again, I do NOT diet and this was perhaps half diet, half experiment, but holy crap!!!

You bet your ass I'm going to do this again in 10 days!

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