Tuesday, October 05, 2010

'Snot bad

My morning coffee is nice and hot in its thermos travel mug. Unfortunately it didn't travel with me to work and is just sitting on the kitchen counter. :( Neither did my iPod. Of all days.

I made a discovery last night--screw wadded up tissues for snot-catching; paper towels are where it's at! With a perpetually clogged nose last night, I was too tired and frustrated to make my way all the way over to the other side of the room to grab my tissue box. Instead, I snagged a small sheet of Bounty paper towel because it was closer. And that's all I needed. That one freaking little sheet lasted me the whole night straight through to decongestion! Eff yeah!

I want a really big steak for dinner. Or pasta. Or a really big steak WITH pasta. Mmmmm...nothing beats delicious comfort. Nothing beats the knowledge that your sister will be THERE for you, either. Amazing.

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