Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Trafficus Ignoramus(es)

Traffic is unavoidable in the city of T-dot. But the things that peeve me to no end are: traffic for no reason, and people who just don't obey the rules.

Traffic for no reason is fairly self-explanatory. I mean, I understand when sometimes there's an accident on the highway that ties up traffic and creates a huge jam, but that gets cleared away by the time you reach it. But sometimes, there's just traffic without a cause and that drives me bonkers.

The other one, about people not following the rules, has two parts to it. There are the people who are just dumb and do dumb things that break the rules, and then there are the ones who just blatantly disregard the rules of the road. Cases in point:
  • Yesterday I arrived behind another car at a three-way stop. The car on the left went through the intersection, then the car on the right went...and then the car on the left went. The car in front of me had luckily been aware of the area we were in (one that's rife with stupid drivers) and had only inched into the intersection. I was very pleased to watch him stare down the stupid, out-of-turn driver, questioning hand out the window with a very disgusted look on his face. Even better when you could tell StupidDriver was ashamed to look in his direction.

  • On my way to work every morning, there's a point where I come to an intersection where there is a right-turn lane that MUST exit, and then just left of that is the through-lane to use to cross the intersection after which you may continue straight, or veer right. I have to veer right to get to where I need to go. Usually, there are buses in the right-turn lane who all turn right correctly at the lights. However, every once in a while, there are retarded drivers who use the right-turn lane as a through-lane. I could kill them. It never fails to ruin my drive in when I have to fight these Ignoramuses to get to MY right-veering lane. Today, I cut them ALL off. It's MY right-of-way, idiots.

Apparently the term "Ignoramus" has been around since the sixteenth century--who woulda thunk?

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