Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sounds like team spirit

Sitting in traffic the other day, I found myself stuck behind a van flying Brazil flags out each window. Being in the midst of FIFA fever and it being a Brazil game day, that didn't faze me. What did faze me was how long it took the driver to notice the jersey clad, flag-wrapped, yellow and green hat wearing Brazil fans walking down the street next to the van. But then he noticed.

Honking ensued.

And then the driver was on the ball. There was another Brazil-flagged car coming from the opposite direction.

Honking ensued.

There was a lone jay-walker wearing a Brazil jersey, picking his way through the traffic.

Honking ensued.

And then I guess he just had an epiphanic Brazil fandom moment and he just leaned in on that horn for a solid 10 seconds.

And then I made a left turn out of traffic. :)

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