Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday randoms before dinner

I covet the flowers the I see men carrying through the streets of the city. It doesn't matter who the flowers are intended for, what they're intended for, or if they are the man's own bouquet--I just know they're not for me.

I had a surprising, entertaining, and reassuring chat today with someone from before. It began as a comment, bloomed into a reply, and exploded into a split-screen conversation between two wordly articulate people who could only ever really communicate through the written word (and best when between the brackets).

If there really such a phenomenon as pathetic fallacy, then the world is reflecting my feelings of limbo. I kind of have a job, but I'm still looking. It's kind of cold, but unseasonably warm. I've kind of moved out on my own, but i'm not an owner of any sort. It's kind of sunny, but still very drab. I'm kind of happy, but i'm currently pretty confused. It's not snowy, but it's wet.


"Type 'where can I find Chuck Norris?' into Google, and then click 'I'm feeling lucky'."

I did. I smiled. I laughed. It felt good.

It's (un) official. The trinity of the JFC shares energy too.

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