Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nothing but class

Canada vs. US Men's hockey. Crazybf, Dimps and I watched from Casey's at Union. As the mood moved us, Dimps and I managed 2 bottles of wine, Dimps taking the brunt of them. While the game was entertaining enough (in a heartbreaking sort of way), Dimps was even more so. Crazybf was smart (and sober) enough to have thought to catch a few of the special moments of hers on video. But as for the rest of the night, man, I wish I could have just collected up all of the gems she said to share them with the world.

Psst! Your boyfriend eats wings like a pansy!

Psst! You eat wings like a pansy!

Lu-on-go! Lu-on-go!


Cypress only
wishes it could be half as cool as me!

I am one big ball of class. I am nothing BUT classy! *belch*

This shirt makes boys look at my boobs.



As a sidenote: I apologize to ehbaba for negating her efforts to record the game AND her efforts to avoid learning the score before watching in one fell swoop of an email. :/ I'm even more sorry that I seem to be making a habit of doing this to her...

1 comment:

dimps said...

okay, the class line went something like..."i'm all mother fucking class".

just wanted the jury to note the objection.

and i'm so not tneregileb.