Every tour I've been on has given me the stories of not just the spectacles of the sites, but of the spectres of the sites as well. Beheadings, executions, burnings and burials have been the backbone of the tour materials. I've been in more crypts than I can count, and seen more monuments to the dead than I can believe. I mean, I guess it's cool that London's made peace with their dead, but man have I ever gotten the creeps lately!
And then of course there's their pride in methods of torture...
But because London's fond of their dead, they pay their respects properly, by building the right kind of venues.
Westminster Abbey
St. Paul's Cathedral
Like Japan, I went a little trigger happy with the camera (well as much as I could). There's still more, both to share and for me to see, but I felt like I was leaving you all hanging...like a true Londoner. hahaha...*groan*
subway = Tube/Underground
take-out = take-away
gas = petrol
(there are more, but I can't think of them right now)
The only two words you need to carry on a long-lasting conversation with a Londoner:
Yeah? Roight (not a typo)
Miss y'all!
1 comment:
Someone barked "take away, yeah?!" at me today. I wanted to eat in, but she wouldn't let me.
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