Thursday, January 24, 2008


I know there's been a drastic reduction in the number of posts to my blog as of late. But then, how often does it happen that a girl's inspired in her life to write more often in a single month than she has in nearly an entire year? In my defence, I just want you to know that it's not for a lack of trying. I've had all these thoughts that I've wanted to get around to expanding and then sharing, but lately, work's been so crazy that by the time Jenny and I get some alone time, I have nothing left.

However, taking a moment for inventory and to gather my thoughts, I realize that I have more than a few of those inspired moments jotted down here and there as reminders for when it's not so hectic; saved in my drafts, in my email, on the backs of receipts. Regardless of whether I actually get around to completing these thoughts, I'm sharing. Each break is another found-thought in no particular order.

i've fallen into every cliche there ever was about love

Sausages with balls. Ick.

You don't want to know

Relationship rant--don't do it. You can't choose your family, but you can choose who you spend your life with.

I am of the belief that I am in the middle of co-authoring one of the greatest love stories ever known to man.

we held on tight like hungry lovers.

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