Friday, August 13, 2004

A Fifth Bout Of Randomness

For today's treat to beat the dreariness of the weather, I concocted an after-lunch dessert of fresh strawberries topped with Cool-Whip and then drizzled with honey. Talk about rotting your teeth! But for the ten minutes or so that I was eating that and making my blog-reading rounds, it SOOOOOO took my mind off the grey weather outside.

I have this CD in my possession that has quickly become my favourite CD in the short time that I have had it. Technically, I don't even have it (long story). But it follows me everywhere I go--to the car, on the TTC rides to and from work, in various stereo systems around my house--everywhere. The only times I'm separated from it is when my brother steals it from me as it just as quickly became his favourite CD too. I'd share the title with you, but it doesn't have one. It's not quite a mixed CD either, because most of the tracks are from one single artist and the rest are just fillers. Curious? Need to know more? Well, if you MUST do your homework, I got the CD from Squiggly who got it from Boo. I've already said too much. But thanks, Boo.

Dibert comics hold a witty response to everything. Just ask Brodder--he got a Dilbert compilation for his birthday, and he can find a comic to say something about anything. Scott Adams is brilliant. I'm sure at least Boobin would have to agree.

I just recently filled a new prescription for my glasses and contacts. My prescription jumped about 150 degrees per eye in the past two years so my optometrist lightened the degree by a bit so that I wouldn't have such a hard time adjusting. Oh man. If she made it easy for me, then I'd be terrified to know what having a hard time would've been like. The first day I put on my new glasses, I thought that the optical place had filled the wrong prescription--everything looked so...wonky. I had trouble coming down the stairs for at least the first 4 days since the edges of my glasses make everything look a little curved and I kept seeing 2 stairs at the bottom rather than one. Dangerous I tell you. On the bright side though, I can see now! I may not be able to walk straight, but I can see!

Guys need to grow up and be men. If a girl breaks up with you, get over it and move on. Don't take it out on the next guy, whoever he is or whenever he comes into the picture--the ultimate decision was hers, not his. If you have beef, take it out with her and leave the other guy out of it. Most of the time, the next guy didn't want to step on your toes in the least anyway. If you think she was the one, then fight FOR her, not with her new guy. Really, do you think kicking the crap out of the next guy is going to make you look good to her? It might make you look psychotic, but it ain't going to make you look good. Guys, be men about it, okay?

    "I'm hungry,"
    "So what do you want to eat?"
    "Diarrhea food."

Two and a half more weeks until I leave for Boston, which means only really half a week for me to decide whether or not I want to keep my current job as a waitress through the school year. I'd love to find a new job, but do I really have the luxury of leaving this job first before finding the next? Anyone have a job they want to give me AND pay me well for doing it?

I miss my red hair. I used to be cool.


This entry was so boring. I'm sorry for letting down those who were looking for a good read. Maybe next time.

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