Thursday, July 08, 2004

Oh I've missed you so...

The Non-Fling Fling

The Non-Fling Fling is exactly what it sounds like--a fling that is not a fling. This term was created by the JFC in order to describe the odd behaviour of certain people in relationships who acted sometimes (and sometimes too often) as if they were single, thereby confusing third parties. Allow me to enlighten you...

There is a couple made up of girl A and guy A. Let's say this couple has been dating for about a year now and have had a steady and solid relationship the whole time. Now let's introduce guy B. Guy B is a fun-loving and out-going single guy who somehow gets introduced to girl A. Now, girl A immediately takes a liking to guy B and vice-versa and the two become close friends and hang-out often. If this was all there was to it, then the JFC would not have invented the aforementioned term, so therefore, I must continue.

Now, girl A has been in her relationship for quite sometime now and has done all there is to be done with guy A and their relationship is still a good one, but now that guy B has come along, there's someone new and exciting in her life and therefore, some of the things that she does with guy B might seem a little more than just friendly. And then, seeing as guy B is a single guy who is not with a girl and therefore looking for a girl, guy B can easily mistake the actions of girl A as being a little more than friendly and perhaps start making his own advances on her--everything of course being strictly platonic. We have now entered the territory of the Non-Fling Fling.

Quite simply, girl A is interested in guy B and vice-versa so they are getting along quite nicely, except that they're not officially getting along at all--there's still guy A in the picture. So what we have here now is girl A having a fling with guy B while still being with guy A thereby making it not a fling; the Non-Fling Fling. How does it all work out in the end? Well, it doesn't. Not usually anyway. It usually comes down to girl A running back to guy A because that's what she knows to be safe, leaving guy B in the dust with his ears ringing with her last words: "You're a really good friend..."

Don't think that this can't go the other way as well; we could have girl A and guy A and then introduce girl B just as easily, get it? If not, you can always ask Squiggly to elaborate--who knows how he always manages to be guy B?

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