Friday, July 30, 2004

Happy Belated Blogger Birthday!

Three days ago, my blog turned a year old! Whoa. Would someone just shut me up? It appears I have too much to say as I've been able to fill post after post full of my senseless raving for just (literally, JUST) over a year now. Geez, what a windbag--but then, you didn't have READ all of that anyway. :p

The Trinity

Yesterday's midday breakfast brought about a bittersweet realization: the three members of the JFC are so close that their lives and subsequent happiness levels are intertwined with each other's in the most delicate of balances. We see each other nearly everyday, and turn to each other for support and affection (or reality) whenever we need it--we exist nearly as a single entity made up of three separate parts. The realization stumbled upon yesterday was that because of our closeness as a trio, only one of us could be truly happy in a relationship at a time. Sure, we could all be involved in mediocre relationships at once, but when it comes to being truly happy, we have to take turns. Sucks, doesn't it? But then again, isn't love the ultimate sacrifice? I would sacrifice for my boos.

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