Saturday, July 31, 2004

He Said It

Having fallen behind with my blog readings, I did some rushed catching up and found this on Pablo's page, posted a few days ago. Sometimes, other people just say it better.
A lot has happened in the past couple of months.

I laughed. I stressed. I happied. I grey-haired. I cared for. I looked after. I worried. I held. I felt bad. I saddened. But most noteworthy, is the fact that I faulted.

I've made mistakes in my life.

I plan to make plenty more in the future.

And I'm ok with that.
I'm okay with that too.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Happy Belated Blogger Birthday!

Three days ago, my blog turned a year old! Whoa. Would someone just shut me up? It appears I have too much to say as I've been able to fill post after post full of my senseless raving for just (literally, JUST) over a year now. Geez, what a windbag--but then, you didn't have READ all of that anyway. :p

The Trinity

Yesterday's midday breakfast brought about a bittersweet realization: the three members of the JFC are so close that their lives and subsequent happiness levels are intertwined with each other's in the most delicate of balances. We see each other nearly everyday, and turn to each other for support and affection (or reality) whenever we need it--we exist nearly as a single entity made up of three separate parts. The realization stumbled upon yesterday was that because of our closeness as a trio, only one of us could be truly happy in a relationship at a time. Sure, we could all be involved in mediocre relationships at once, but when it comes to being truly happy, we have to take turns. Sucks, doesn't it? But then again, isn't love the ultimate sacrifice? I would sacrifice for my boos.
I love ketchup chips.

Tell Me You Love Me

A kiss can say I love you, but where you put it can mean so much more. Thinking about it the other day, I figured these to be the kisses that express the most affection--but I am always up for suggestive opinions.

Kisses of affection can be placed:
    - on the (bare) shoulder
    - endearingly on the forehead
    - to the nape of the neck
    - sweetly on the temples
    - anywhere on the back
    - gently on the hipbone or stomach

Of course, if you want to tell me that you love me but you've run out of places to kiss me, you can always call me stupid and buy me a bag of ketchup chips--or a large Tim Horton's coffee, double-double. It would seem that I'm easy enough to please. ;)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Cheering For The Good Guy

After a discussion today involving the latest Non-Fling Fling to arise in our lives, my conversation partner and I decided that this time, we're cheering for Guy A. We like you Guy A. Go Guy A...sorry Guy B.

Sunday, July 18, 2004


And what a surprise it was...Congratulations, G!
Song of the Moment: "Spending Time With You" - Janet Jackson

I close my eyes and fantasize
And I just imagine
A tropical island
We're all alone
Our pagers and cell phones shut off
Hot sunny heat
Cool ocean breeze
The sand beneath our feet
The crashing waves are like music
Found a place to sleep
Passion fruit to eat
Use all our energy
Under the moonlight making love

I don't think nothing can compare
Nothing better than
Nothing better than
(Or anywhere)
Nothing better than
(Cause I'm)
Spending time with you
Nothing better than
(As friend)
Nothing better than
(I'm so content)
Nothing better than
(Cause I'm)
Spending time with you

You are my angel
Heaven is close
My favorite place is where you are
So we don't have to do nothing special
Don't wanna run
It's always fun to chill at home
Monday through Friday
Sexy Saturday
Easy Sunday
Cause every day's a special one
Just like a holiday
Vacation getaway
After the foreplay
Go room to room making sweet love

I don't think nothing can compare
Nothing better than
Nothing better than
Nothing better than
Spending time with you
Nothing better than
Nothing better than
Nothing better than
Spending time


Dedicated to you--the one I love spending time with...

Friday, July 16, 2004

$+üP!Ð Blogger!!!

I logged on tonight in order to post that simple post that you can read below, but I had the WORST time trying to get it to look right. Blogger decided to ambush me with a new posting format that TOTALLY screwed me UP!!! Anyway, I think I have it under control now, but still, I was SO pissed off for a little while there that I was seriously considering up and moving my blog to somewhere a little more stable...once again, LiveJournal crossed my mind, and also once again, Xanga did NOT cross my mind.

I miss posting and blogging everyday or nearly everyday--that computer that I temporarily had in my room so spoiled me! However, not to worry, Brodder's looking into getting a group discount on laptops at P. Mall since this is the year that he and his friends will all be heading out to school and such and I plan to jump on the bandwagon for the discounts. The only catch is that even when you get a discount on a very expensive item, it still comes out to be expensive anyway. C'est la vie. If it was up to me, I'd just get me a portable typewriter that can access the internet when needed. hehehe.
Filling the Nerdom Quota

*smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *slap* *click* *click*
(I can't believe they made the cheer into a handshake...)

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Blurbs From My Brain

I love my boos.

"You're stupid."
"No, you're stupid."

What better way to fend off loneliness than to curl up into an oversized hoodie that doesn't belong to you?

"Why do you look so stressed out?"
"I'm not stressed out,"
"Oh right, you're mushy."

I'm happy that they're happy that I'm happy.

Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink.

We talked, we sang, we danced, we fought, we posed, we ate, we drank, we cuddled, we flirted, we laughed, we sighed, we listened, we understood, we kissed, we hugged, we reminisced, we were. Tonight, I lay under the stars, entangled with the ones I love the most.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Women Have Known It All Along

(This is not meant to offend any males that I am, have been, or will be associated with; this is simply a statement of fact.)

There are too many men in my life.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Aren't Days Off Supposed To Be Relaxing?

What to do? Today's the last of my days off this week, and there's SO much to do! To be honest, I'd rather stay at home, snuggle up and sleep the rest of the day off, but noooooo, I have much already planned for me today.

I was already awoken early this morning for breakfast with the fam and Stupid Shmelly at Markham Station (thanks again and again, Shmelly), and now I have to look forward to rock-climbing with Dad, Brodder, and various other extended family members and friends, right after which I will head to volleyball practice with the Tigers (good job this past weekend, girls!) and THEN, I just got a call inviting me to a Penthouse Party to pre-drink before heading to Afterlife for a drive-by birthday celebration that I have no time for since I SHOULD be at home sleeping for work tomorrow morning at 8am. *sigh* If only I could do it all. I DO want to do everything, but I'm just so tired after that HUGE breakfast! 'Itis sucks. So what do I do? I really want to just relax tonight, but at the same time, I want to go out and see everyone and do everything. I just wish the party would just come to me. Argh!!!

Update - 9:36pm

Alright, I've got the plan down for the rest of the night. I've already climbed those rocks (ow, my forearms) and gone to practice (ow, the rest of my body), so all that's left is dropping by at Afterlife to say happy birthday to the birthday girl (sorry Tigers...). Then, I'm going to come home early and sleep see what Shmelly won me at his golf tournament! ;) After that, THEN I'm going to sleep. At least I'm organized now.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Song of the Moment: "Uninvited" - Alanis Morisette

Like anyone would be
I am flattered by your fascination with me
Like any hot-blooded woman
I have simply wanted an object to crave
But you, you're not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

Must be strangely exciting
To watch the stoic squirm
Must be somewhat heartening
To watch shepherd need shepherd
But you you're not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

Like any uncharted territory
I must seem greatly intriguing
You speak of my love like
You have experienced love like mine before
But this is not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

I don't think you unworthy
I need a moment to deliberate


And for the record, I have never dedicated this song to anyone.
Oh I've missed you so...

The Non-Fling Fling

The Non-Fling Fling is exactly what it sounds like--a fling that is not a fling. This term was created by the JFC in order to describe the odd behaviour of certain people in relationships who acted sometimes (and sometimes too often) as if they were single, thereby confusing third parties. Allow me to enlighten you...

There is a couple made up of girl A and guy A. Let's say this couple has been dating for about a year now and have had a steady and solid relationship the whole time. Now let's introduce guy B. Guy B is a fun-loving and out-going single guy who somehow gets introduced to girl A. Now, girl A immediately takes a liking to guy B and vice-versa and the two become close friends and hang-out often. If this was all there was to it, then the JFC would not have invented the aforementioned term, so therefore, I must continue.

Now, girl A has been in her relationship for quite sometime now and has done all there is to be done with guy A and their relationship is still a good one, but now that guy B has come along, there's someone new and exciting in her life and therefore, some of the things that she does with guy B might seem a little more than just friendly. And then, seeing as guy B is a single guy who is not with a girl and therefore looking for a girl, guy B can easily mistake the actions of girl A as being a little more than friendly and perhaps start making his own advances on her--everything of course being strictly platonic. We have now entered the territory of the Non-Fling Fling.

Quite simply, girl A is interested in guy B and vice-versa so they are getting along quite nicely, except that they're not officially getting along at all--there's still guy A in the picture. So what we have here now is girl A having a fling with guy B while still being with guy A thereby making it not a fling; the Non-Fling Fling. How does it all work out in the end? Well, it doesn't. Not usually anyway. It usually comes down to girl A running back to guy A because that's what she knows to be safe, leaving guy B in the dust with his ears ringing with her last words: "You're a really good friend..."

Don't think that this can't go the other way as well; we could have girl A and guy A and then introduce girl B just as easily, get it? If not, you can always ask Squiggly to elaborate--who knows how he always manages to be guy B?