Thursday, January 02, 2014

From _______, with love

My favourite souvenir to give and receive is a postcard, personally written and sent from wherever I (or the sender) has traveled to.  It's perfect: it (usually) gives a picture of where you are, you get to personalize it with a message, and then the postage and stamp is something unique to that country.  Not only that, it's delivered right to your door (or mailbox - whichever the case, it's for YOU).

Boxing day morning found me, JBG, and a few cousins lounging around the dining table over coffee and leftovers. For the hundredth time, I complained to K about the fact that I've sent her a ton of postcards from all the places I'd been to, but I'd still yet to receive one from her from ANYWHERE.  She'd even once sent one to our grandmother from Brazil. To accommodate the fact that grandma didn't read English, K had sent her a picture of herself in Brazil with the simple message on the back: "To grandma :) *heart* K." Grandma still hadn't understood the message or who it was from, but SHE'D GOTTEN A POSTCARD.

I digress.

Jupiter asked what the big deal was with postcards.

"It's just a postcard."

Just a postcard?

I left the table to go grab my collection of postcards I'd received from around the world. I selectively pulled out the ones JBG and Brodder had sent me, including a few randoms - even that selection turned out to be quite a number.

"I got this one when I was 8, from JBG. I spent WEEKS trying to positively identify him from the pictures...why would he lie?"

"This one, I hear the song in my head EVERYTIME I read it."
"What song?"
"Meow meow meow meow - you know...the Meow Mix song?"
"Oh yeah!" *laughs*

As we dug through my collection, there a lot of laughs and a sprinkling of gasps of horror at how ruthlessly hilarious the messages were.

"What's brown and hides in the attic?
The diarrhea of Anne Frank."
"Oh gawd, that's AWFUL!  But funny.  But AWFUL!"

Catching Jupiter in a laugh, I pointed at him.

"THIS is why you send postcards."

"Yeah, I get it now."


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