Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gleeking out

I'm still up. It started with an episode of Glee earlier tonight (yesterday, I guess). So, that got my musical buds going. Then, while waiting for the water to boil for my before-bed-brew, I left the TV on Top Movie Moments of our Time (it's actually still recording right now) and what do you know, they had a Top 5 Musical Movies. I think it went something like:
5. West Coast Story
4. Singing In the Rain (during which they mentioned Glee's recent take on it)
3. The Wizard of Oz
2. Grease
1. The Sound of Music

And with the mention of the number one movie musical, they put out there that as nerdy as The Sound of Music may be, it still gets its own singalongs in the theatre, people voted it number one, and it's been the theme of a huge flash mob.

Huge flash mob? This I have to see. So I saw.

And then I found that Glee had their own flash mobs. This one had the best reactions:

This one had the most fricken people:

This one was in Toronto:

And finally, I'm IN this one (beware the CRAPPY quality--in fact, don't watch until you read on):

Okay, I'm KINDA in that one. I was one of those bewildered bystanders, just returning from Mexico with Malcolm, dimps and Geeb. Our first appearance is at 2:09 at the bottom of the screen. Malcolm's yellow backpack and Geeb's gracefully long neck gives us away. :)

Anyway, I'm still at it.

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