Thursday, March 24, 2011

Family forward

From: Mother
To: Many various family members
Subject: Fw: [Bulk] 2011

This year we're going to experience four unusual dates. 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that's not all...Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born -now add the age you will be this year, and the result will be 111 for everyone...!! This is the year of Money..!!! This year October will have 5 Sundays, 5
Mondays and 5 Saturdays. This happens only every 823 years... These particular years are known as 'Moneybags'... The proverb goes that if you send this to eight good friends (already today translated from the Brazilian version..!) money will appear in the next four days as is explained in Chinese feng-shui... Those who don't continue the chain won't receive.. it’s a mystery, but it’s worth a try.. Good luck.


From: melody
To: Mother, Dad, Brodder
Subject: Re: Fw: [Bulk] 2011

1. When the term "[BULK]" appears in a subject title, you KNOW this thing has gone around the world to EVERYONE'S inbox.
2. If I did the same adding thing with my age last year, it would have come out to 110...*gasp*
3. Chinese people will never say anything LUCKY will happen in FOUR days.

IT'S A CHAIN EMAIL!!! Don't forward them, mom. :(


From: Brodder
To: Mother, Dad, melody
Subject: Re: Re: Fw: [Bulk] 2011

I skipped over the original email and went straight to mel's. I don't have to read both to know that hers was infinitely more interesting.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gleeking out

I'm still up. It started with an episode of Glee earlier tonight (yesterday, I guess). So, that got my musical buds going. Then, while waiting for the water to boil for my before-bed-brew, I left the TV on Top Movie Moments of our Time (it's actually still recording right now) and what do you know, they had a Top 5 Musical Movies. I think it went something like:
5. West Coast Story
4. Singing In the Rain (during which they mentioned Glee's recent take on it)
3. The Wizard of Oz
2. Grease
1. The Sound of Music

And with the mention of the number one movie musical, they put out there that as nerdy as The Sound of Music may be, it still gets its own singalongs in the theatre, people voted it number one, and it's been the theme of a huge flash mob.

Huge flash mob? This I have to see. So I saw.

And then I found that Glee had their own flash mobs. This one had the best reactions:

This one had the most fricken people:

This one was in Toronto:

And finally, I'm IN this one (beware the CRAPPY quality--in fact, don't watch until you read on):

Okay, I'm KINDA in that one. I was one of those bewildered bystanders, just returning from Mexico with Malcolm, dimps and Geeb. Our first appearance is at 2:09 at the bottom of the screen. Malcolm's yellow backpack and Geeb's gracefully long neck gives us away. :)

Anyway, I'm still at it.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I have been glued to the tube these past few days. I don't know what it is. It's not like there's anything in particular that I can't rip myself away from, but I just can't seem to stop watching. I'm usually WAY more productive than this, but yet, here I am, STILL in front of the TV. :p

I think I just want to learn something.

Textbook reading is so boring. And how am I going to KNOW what I want to read? Internet reading is resourceful and far-reaching, but it's tough to read off the screen (no, not a subtle cry for an e-reader). And what about the stimulating conversation? The intellectual bantering and debate?


I'm not frustrated or anything, I'm just looking for a thrilling challenge (oh god, I think I'm the only one who finds learning a "thrilling challenge"...)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The minor fall, the major lift

Ah, what the :)

Song of the Moment: "I need a Doctor" - Dr. Dre feat. Eminem & Skylar Grey

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life

I told the world, one day I would pay it back.
Say it on tape and lay it, record it, so that one day I could play it back.
But I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that.
Doubt startin' to creep in, everyday it's just so grey and black.
Hope, I just need a ray of that
'Cause no one sees my vision
When I play it for 'em, they just say it's whack.
But they don't know what dope is.
And I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this.
All I know is you came to me when I was at my lowest.
You picked me up, breathed new life in me. I owe my life to you.
Before the life of me, I don't see why you don't see like I do.
But it just dawned on me; you lost a son. See this light in you? It's dark.
Let me turn on the lights and brighten me and enlighten you.
I don't think you realize what you mean to me, not the slightest clue.
'Cause me and you, we're like a crew. I was like your sidekick.
You gon' either wanna fight when I get off this f-cking mic,
Or you gon' hug me. But I'm out of options, there's nothing else I can do cause...

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life

It hurts when I see you struggle.
You come to me with ideas.
You say that these are pieces, so I'm puzzled.
'Cause the sh-t I hear is crazy,
But you're either getting lazy, or you don't believe in you no more.
Seems like your own opinions, not one you can form.
Can't make a decision, you keep questioning yourself,
Second guessing, and it's almost like your begging for my help.
Like, I'm YOUR leader.
You're supposed to f-cking be MY mentor.
I can endure no more!
I demand you remember who you are!
It was YOU, who believed in me,
When everyone was telling you, don't sign me.
Everyone at the f-cking label, lets tell the truth.
You risked your career for me, I know it as well as you.
Nobody wanted to f-ck with the white boy...
Dre, I'm crying in this booth.
You saved my life, now maybe it's my time to save yours.
But I can never repay you, what you did for me is way more.
But I ain't giving up faith, and you ain't giving up on me.
Get up Dre! I'm dying, I need you, come back for f-ck's sake

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life

It literally feels like a lifetime ago
But I still remember the sh-t like it was just yesterday though
You walked in, yellow jump suit
Whole room, cracked jokes
Once you got inside the booth, told you, like smoke
Went through friends, some of them I put on
But they just left, they said was riding to the death
But where the f-ck are they now
Now that I need them, I don't see none of them
All I see is Slim
F-ck all you fairweather friends
All I need is him
F-cking backstabbers
When the chips were down, you just laughed at us
Now you bout to feel the f-cking wrath of aftermath, faggots
You gon' see us in our lab jackets and ask where the f-ck we been?
You can kiss my indecisive ass crack maggots and the crackers ass
Little cracker jack beat making wack math,
Backwards producers, I'm back bastards
One more CD and then I'm packing up my bags and as I leave
And I guarantee they'll scream, Dre don't leave us like that man cause...

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life
Bring me back to life
Bring me back to life


It's eerie, it's chilling, and it's heart-wrenching. Their words plead and her voice pulls and my stomach knots in emotions that I can feel but that aren't really mine.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Wheeling pregnant rumours

A week ago, Roomie BBMed me.

Roomie - Hey, how are you?
Me - not bad, what's up?
Roomie - Nothing much...anything new with you?
Me - Nah, same old.
Roomie - Are you sure?
Me - Yeah...
Roomie - Are you SURE there's nothing else new?
Me - Nothing really. Though Malcolm and I are starting to look for a house.
Roomie - A house with a nursery in it?!
Me - What?!

Apparently someone at the office I used to work with was spreading the rumour that I was pregnant. I thought it was the most hilarious thing I'd heard in a long time. And as ridiculous as it was, and even though there was not an ounce of truth to it, Roomie and I let it make our day.

Roomie - Aw, I'm a little sad that it's not true, but that totally made my morning!
Me - Me too!

Roomie and I kept in touch the rest of the day as she tried to dig up the origins of the rumour and I spread it around a little further.

me - HONEY!
me - Someone's spreading BABY rumours about us! hahahahaha
Malcolm - what?
Malcolm - who?
me - I don't know....Roomie just BBMed me and asked me ..."...what's new??? and when I told her "not much" she said "Are you SURE?!"
me - LoL!
me - she says she was "snooping through yours and Malcolm's Facebook for clues." LOL

It turned out later that Roomie traced the rumour back to the receptionist at the office who, after trying to point the roots to be from one of the other girls in the office, conceded to saying "I guess I just dreamed it or something."


But the rampant imaginations of Malcolm and ehbaba (because news of the rumour reached her on the other side of the globe by the time I got home) were definitely NOT lame.

From: ehbaba
To: melody
Subject: rumour

so awesome that someone would bother to make shit up and spread it around

more awesome that your old boss called HS to find out

malcolm and i figured you should tell people you are having siamese/conjoined triplets...that are joined head to toe
malcolm thought the would have to slither to walk
i think doing the worm may be a more effective method to get around

congratulations on your triplet worm

From: melody
To: ehbaba
Subject: Re: rumour


Seriously. I have NO idea who would even come up with the notion that I'm pregnant. I know I've gained weight since working there, but no way close to enough to consider a baby-bump. Definitely spare-tire-ish, but not baby-bump-ish.

Apparently it started with Miss Universe, who, after thinking about it longer gave the explanation: "Oh, I guess I dreamt it or something."

But yeah, it totally made my day. I was so exited to tell you about it--but I see news travels fast overseas too!

Thanks for the well-wishes. We were actually going to teach our triplet worm to hold on from end to end and roll like a tire to get around most efficiently. However, realizing that this might take a while to get a hang of, doing the worm might work for the first few years--as long as we don't ask T to teach them how.


From: ehbaba
To: melody
Subject: Re: Re: rumour


Triplet wheel >>>> Triplet worm!!!!!

can't believe i don't have that video anymore!


The amusement didn't last much more than that first day. By the next day, Friday, everything went pretty much back to normal, and the receptionist has yet to have another wild dream of sorts to share. However, Malcolm and I did share a little about it since the rumour brought it up.

me - That'd have been awesome though, wouldn't it?
Malcolm - yeah, that would be awesome :D

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Worming through it

There's a story that I want to tell you about, but first I have to tell you another story. It's not that this one plays a big part of anything, but I think it deserves a mention because it continues to resurface time and time again in our volleyball memories.

And it's unfortunately one of those stories that you had to be there for.

Years ago, our volleyball team had a coach. He spent one practice trying to get us to refine our diving techniques. Describing it, he wanted us to learn to dive gracefully--chest on the ground first, then stomach and legs to follow. It was basically like doing the worm.

It was understandably a little awkward, but after just a short while on the mats, most of the girls got it. Except for T.

Her many attempts were in earnest, but she never got the grace of it. Not once. Over and over again, she jumped up, and flopped straight down. Jumped up, and flopped straight down. Many of the other girls were in tears, and ehbaba did her best to stay steady enough to capture a video of it on her phone. Unfortunately, the video has since been lost, so I tried to find an accurate representation of the event with google. This is the closest I got.

It was epic. Over and over again she flopped onto that mat. Enough so that none of the girls have ever forgotten it. Enough so that all of the girls that knew there was a video, rue the loss of that video. So now you know, and now I can continue with stories about me. :)

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

84 Inches

The other night, Malcolm and I went to take the Subie through the car wash. It was 11:00 at night and according to the number of cars in the line up ahead of us, we were in for a 35 minute wait. We were tired and a little goofy minded by the time we pulled up to the spot that said we were next. Admiring our surroundings (because there was little else to do) we noticed the height restriction sign at the top of the entrance to the car wash.

"84 inches?"

Who does that? Everyone knows their car clearance height as "X feet, Y inches," but to know it strictly in INCHES? They expect me to be able to do math AND drive at the same time?

"84 inches? Okay, so that's 12 into...carry the 2...which makes it..." *smack* (the sound of me driving into the low clearance roof because I couldn't calculate fast enough if I would make it or not...that, or insert the sound of blaring horns because the people behind me are held up and pissed off because I now have to back out since I've made the calculation and have decided my car won't clear it.)

We were pretty belligerent about the measurement units (since we had nothing better to do after 35 minutes in the car).

"84 inches? What the hell kind of measurement is that?"
"84 inches? They might as well have put it in centimetres."
"84 inches? It would have been better if they put a clown sign there that read 'you must be shorter than this height to enter the car wash.'"

Needless to say, we entered the car wash with lots of clearance for the car and got the car cleaned--only for me to drive it to work the next morning through the muddy highways to bring it back to being as dirty as square one.