Thursday, February 10, 2011

Super skin

With the amount of skin that I shed in a single day, I swear you could build another human shell out of it. It's ridiculous.

Skin and I are not friends at the moment. We're working on re-building our relationship, but it's still tense at best.

To make myself feel better about all the eczema and shedding of skin, I have convinced myself that I have a small superpower to explain it with: I have the ability to grow skin at 10x the normal speed. This explains why I can shed so much and still not be a walking being of just exposed muscle. And because I grow skin so fast, I have to shed it, otherwise it will just amass into a super-coating of shell-like quality, restricting my free movement.

It's tough being a super-human. Really tough.

Update - 12:40am

I was driving home and remembered that when I was little, I used to also believe that my skin was trying to transform in to scales since I was so good at swimming. It only made sense. I used to even have a little line of what looked like scales on my arm. They're still there, but they only show up when they get lots of sun...which I seem to be allergic to now, so unfortunately I can't show you just now. :(


Shaky Jake said...

"Sounds like you saved enough skin to make 10 new boys" - Michael Bluth

melody said...

I just started watching Arrested brother bought me the dvds for Christmas--now I can't wait to hear that line. :)

Shaky Jake said...

It's only the funniest tv show ever made.

Watch each episode a minimum of 3 times. You'll hear jokes you didn't catch the first two times around.

melody said...

"There's a lot of money in the banana stand."

I totally saw that one coming from a mile away--but that didn't make it any less awesome when they found out what they meant.

"When I said 'in the banana stand' I meant it! It was lining the walls!"

Shaky Jake said...

"There's always money in the banana stand!"