Wednesday, February 09, 2011

ALOT of Spiders

  1. This is taken directly from an email thread between me and ehbaba.
  2. "ALOT" and "Spiders" stem from Allie Brosh's blog, Hyperbole and a Half - please visit her site on my sidebar (and I will probably add more links when my battery isn't dying).
  3. 27bslash6 is another link on my sidebar--please visit!
  4. ehbaba and her hubby HS ("Hamburger Smasher", as named by ehbaba) are currently residing in Australia.
There. I think the rest will make sense.


From: ehbaba
To: melody
Subject: Spiders

have you read the 'spiders' post on hyperbole and a half?

lubbed it (specifically "i'd be" and "defects")


From: ehbaba
To: melody
Subject: ALOT

ok alot is even better

am i giving you a play by play of my blog reading lunch hour?



From: melody
To: ehbaba
Subject: Re: ALOT

LoL Awesome.

Spiders: that's why I liked the 27bslash6 post about AUS/US. "If I am reincarnated as a spider, I will bite myself and not seek medical assistance" and "In Australia, the presence of a spider involves combat gear and improvised weapons."

Did I ever tell you about Brodder and I killing centipedes at home? Centipedes are too big to be killed with a wad of tissue, but too fast/creepy to be left alone and ignored in a corner of the room. If the vacuum cleaner wasn't readily handy, then we would take a shoe and just smash the sucker flat in one swift swat...and then leave it. Just because it was dead didn't mean it stopped feeling gross to the touch through a wad of tissue. The idea was that after smashing it, we'd go and get the vacuum at our leisure and suck it up off the floor/shoe, but sometimes it was a while before we got around to it.

Word to the wise: if you ever see a shoe just chilling in a random place on the floor at my parents' house, chances are there's something squished beneath it.


I think I'm going to post that. :)


From: ehbaba
To: melody
Subject: Re: Re: ALOT

Awesome. Post.

HS's way to combat cockroaches and things that look like cockroahces (e.g. a really dark/black grasshopper) is to hairspray it to death/an immobolised state.

(side note: our place is clean but cockroaches are just everywhere and come in from the outdoors...we actually walk by them on sidewalks and parks and shit and it isn't dirty or anything?!?!?!)

We always have to have some cheap no name hairspray on hand. Cockroaches are resilient and FAST so it takes 30s of constant spraying to do them in. One time in the old apartment, we caught one in the bathtub that just came up through the drain. He was cornered. HS sprayed him but didn't want to deal with picking him up and tossing him in the garbage (we were rushing to get out the door and go to work). Inexplicably, he thought pouring Draino on it would be a better way of dealing with it. When we got back that night, the cockroach LIQUEFIED. Fully made it worse to pick up.

Recently, HS tried to use some all purpose cleaner to discourage miniature ants from trying to get in through the window frame. It didn't really work. While the first batch of ants scurried off, more were coming back (or the same ones...ants all look the same to me). Maybe they liked the citrus scent? So I suggested using BAM bathroom/tile cleaner. That stuff is POTENT. Not only did all the ants scurry away, the chemical fumes burned the inside of my nose for about 5 minutes. So later the same night, when HS saw a grasshopper disguised as a cockroach, he attacked it with his entire arsenal. With his hairspray in one hand and BAM in the other, he double-whammied the poor sucker and it was dead in no time. Then instantly we felt bad because we only kill cockroaches and try to let moths, grasshoppers, and daddy long legs live. We didn't even realise it was a grasshopper until it was trying to jump away from the BAM sprays. But by then it was too late. :(


From: ehbaba
To: melody
Subject: Re: Re: Re: ALOT


the cockroach didn't liquefy
it turned gelatinous


From: melody
To: ehbaba
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: ALOT


But in an awesome sort of way.

Apparently lines of talcum powder keep ants away. They won't cross it...? My cousins did it at their place...they'd just had a new baby so they had tons of baby powder to try it with. Tell me if it works. If not, I guess good luck with the BAM.

I like that you capitalized BAM every time. :)


From: ehbaba
To: melody
Subject: Re: Re: Re: ALOT

good tip
i have baby powder...will definitely try that

1 comment:

ehbaba said...

this is definitely getting reposted