Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Far Side of the Mornings

Every so often, Malcolm and I carpool into work together. On those days, I have to get up extra early and by the time I get to the office after dropping Malcolm off, not only does my body still want my bed, but my brain needs a rest too. On the way in to our workplaces, we listen to AM 640 in his car. At that time in the morning, the John Oakley show is on and that guy has always got an interesting topic of some sort or another. Whatever it may be, Malcolm and I (I still in a half-sleeping daze) listen to the questions and the callers and share our own takes on them.

Should the landscapers who had their snowplow stolen and used to run down that officer be charged with idling? (HELL, yeah!) Should the Minister of whatever-it-was step down after vetoing funds to certain organizations (something she totally has the authority and DUTY to do) which saved the government millions of dollars but which she initially denied? (Yeah, she should—she was probably good at crunching the numbers, but not of a strong enough character to lead a portion of our government.) Should the guy who had a hand in the assassination of the founding father of Bangladesh, who now resides in a condo in Etobicoke, be extradited from Canada back to his country where he faces the death penalty? (Yes. The man is a murderer. Would you like to know your neighbour is a murderer and that the Canadian government is not doing anything to see this man punished? Okay, so we don’t want to send the man to his death—though Amnesty International says it was a fair trial in absentia—but we can’t just let him wander free…then all criminals facing the death penalty for their crimes in their countries will just run here.)

So I leave the house physically exhausted only to arrive at the office mentally drained. But dang me if it isn’t great conversation.

Side Note: Gary Larson rocks. I'm fairly confident that I’ve read every last one of his Far Side Galleries. They’re great.


dimps said...

the snowplow ppl - there is apparently a law or something (i don't remember specifics) that if someone takes your idling vehicle, that u left the keys in the ignition - YOU are charged with negligence and whatever damages that are incurred via stolen vehicle because u left the keys in the ignition is your responsibility.
bev oda - not only did she deny initially - the crux of the matter is that the harper govn't is so pro-israel and pulled funding for this organisation that spoke out 2 yrs ago against the actions of the israel govn't during the bombings in lebanon (an organisation which the govn't has funded for like, 30yrs). keep in mind this organisation speaks out and tries to support ALL INTERNATIONAL issues, not just specific to issues in the middle east. the "official" paperwork that denied this funding: had the phrase "we will (not) continue funding...". *(not)* - was WRITTEN IN and wedged in between the words "will" and "continue" of the typed paperwork. and that was deemed acceptable. and then denied.

so yeah, i agree. charge them, fire them.

melody said...

You forgot to comment on the guy who's living here to avoid the death penalty at home.